Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Job Description is Obsolete

But the solution sure the hell isn't this pablum of managerial navel gazing crap.

You want better employees?

Pay them more, don't lie in the job description, and ensure the boss isn't a dumbass.

Seriously, it is that simple.


  1. I'm not certain Netflix should be considered a posterboy for good management. They have and are continuing to lose money.

  2. ...and make sure fellow employees aren't a bunch of conspiring back-stabbers, social terrorists, and power-trippers who think they "own" any place they happen to be.

  3. Job descriptions have ALWAYS been worthless because:

    1. the dolt(ette)s who run HR/recruiting for the typical company today have ZE-RO clue about what their companies actually do and thus can't even begin to coherently describe the type of employees their employer needs.

    2. the middle managers responsible for project management/production/operations, etc., have no idea how to properly scope the responsibilities of individual employee positions and thus either make their descriptions too generic to be meaningful, or so detailed and esoteric to the point where they exclude qualified candidates who might lack certain "keywords" in their resumes, but who are otherwise fully qualified.

    3. despite critical staffing shortfalls, hiring/staffing (and what it takes to do it effectively) is at the bottom of most companies' priority lists.

    4. positions have already been filled from within and "job descriptions" are just gibberish that accompanies fake hiring reqs created only to satisfy a regulatory checkbox.

    It's a silly game, boys and girls. Nobody is serious about hiring quality productive talent anymore.

  4. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Remind me when the HR DITZ will be absolete

  5. Post Alley Crackpot7:40 AM

    "... Back in 2009, Netflix unveiled its original culture deck -- a 129 page slide share which laid out the seven aspects of its culture for current and potential employees in compelling detail ..."

    Any company that can't get to the goddamned point with an "elevator speech" about what they're about, what they want, and what they expect isn't fit for "investment" of your time as someone working with them or as an actual investment with your cash from something else.

    So yes, job descriptions are still useful because they're supposed to be concise talking points about the actual job versus some fluffy bullshit made up for "internal communications".

    BTW, didn't Dante see a "Pit of Useless Counselors" when he was touring through Hell?

    Well, if he didn't, I'm sure They have added one since he last visited.
