Thursday, July 12, 2018

When You Apologize You Lose

You never apologize.  Especially when you're right.
You never ever ever apologize.


  1. The incidents with Aziz Ansari and that bitch who had a meltdown over being hit on by an airport agent are just a few examples of why he shouldn't have apologized. There aren't enough adjectives in all of the world languages combined to describe how sick I am of gynocentrism.

  2. Unclezip8:45 AM

    ...and never explain.

  3. Most men are cucks these days and that's why there's such a sex war. Men need to start respecting themselves. If I was in Henry Cavill's position, I would double down, say fuck being in the movie industry, and live my life.

  4. It is always the men.
