Wednesday, August 01, 2018

The Biggest Feminist Lie Women Paid for with Their Lives

Career Uber Alles.
Arbeit Macht Frei.
Men Care About Your Career.
Big is Beautiful.
If You Make Your Own Money, Then What Do You Care That Men Make Less?


  1. "Susanna Abse, a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, says both sexes have played a part in creating the problem."

  2. Another thing that most college educated career women lack; the ability to love, flirt and be playful.

    As an educated man myself, I used to prefer educated women. Nowadays, I almost prefer if she never set foot on a college campus in the first place. She will get bonus points if she doesn't know what a college is and where the nearest one is closest to her home.

    The modern educated women has become quite insufferable. They bring very little interest to the table. When the first thing she brings up in conversation on a first date is her education credentials, her job, career and politics, then I can tell from the word go that she is not that interesting of a person.

  3. Anonymous1:23 AM

    It is very telling that they would rather stay single than marry down. Women only care about money

  4. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Guys, there is lots of justified hate out there against some women:
    - that many of them are spoiled
    - that many are to selfish to put in the effort to build a family
    - that many are naive slave to their lusts and to the corporate machine
    - that many are insecure in their abilities and prefer the welfare safety net to the free market
    - that many are addicted to free stuff and unearned attention
    - that many are deluded as to believe the retarded lies feminism tells them

    While all this is true, and I cannot argue against it, please remember that a large percentage of men are equally stupid and display similar stupid behavior.

    If anyone is willing to spend time and energy into making the world better - he should keep in mind both sides of the problem.

  5. Take The Red Pill11:28 PM

    "Un Americano said...
    "Susanna Abse, a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, says both sexes have played a part in creating the problem." "

    Anonymous said...
    "...While all this is true, and I cannot argue against it, please remember that a large percentage of men are equally stupid and display similar stupid behavior.
    If anyone is willing to spend time and energy into making the world better - he should keep in mind both sides of the problem."

    Please remember that -- unlike women's wants and choices -- men's wants and choices (and sometimes even their rights) are not vociferously defended at all costs by the legal system, the media, the government, and society.
