Monday, August 27, 2018

The Lies I Wish to Sell

As many of you know in the future I will be transitioning from trying to help society by telling them the truth, and instead feasting on them by selling them crippling, destructive lies they want to pay for.  This doesn't mean Asshole Consulting or regular, moral, ethical books will no longer be part of my content creation, but a significant amount of my time will be spent writing books of lies, clandestinely and anonymously of course.  You won't know it's me.  My signature calling card will be (hopefully) millions of sheeple's lives ruined, much like what Oprah did to Baby Boomer women.

But if you want to get an idea of what I have in mind, take a look at this.  I know it's the Daily Mail and they are a tabloid, but if just half the stuff in the is true, and the price (225 pounds) is accurate, there is SOOOOOO much money to be made in lies.


  1. And finally, that even if the womb is our first brain and second heart...

    Every. Single. Time.

  2. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I'm almost more interested in buying your books of lies than your honest books. Please consider including some sort of fully deniable but obvious signal for your fans.

  3. LJLyon1:58 PM

    Lies are easy to spot but harder to write. I hated any kind of creative writing in school

  4. Oh My God, I went to that link. Christ, what a bunch of absolutely deluded losers. We are doomed, surely.

    It was hilarious. You should absolutely cash in, Cap. Keywords to include:
    Ayurvedic, herstory, centeredness, chakra, Qi, ancient.

    Challenge round: If you can include AND monetize anything using the phrase "sacred emotive hymen," I will submit you for canonization.

  5. Now do it! I admit my efforts are not bearing fruit, but my direction is sound. It's one hell of a hole for a long-lived nice guy to climb out of these days.

    I blogged for this social strategy long ago: 28 Aug '13, 3 Sept. '13, and 6 Jan '16 (refers to Cappy Cap.). We can (((learn))) if we agnostically observe. I was thinking about this earlier today because of today's promo video by Vox Day for...wait for it...cartoon books. Why are he and your Roozhy popular, I think beyond proportion to objective merits. Obviously, what I call merit is not functional. Same with you, Cappy. What VD and Mr. R have in common is being great self-promoters. But why? The cartoon sales pitch gave me this clarity: ESCAPISM.

    Why do those wymns pay 225 pounds? Fear of men cultivated by the state. They want escapism from fear, even as they fitfully chase the lust of destroying men. This event does that. The symbolism is clear. Women can have all-women events and organize against men. Men have no rights.

    Resuming examples: Advanced formula facial cream -> escapism, certification -> lust at first but then escapism, and marriage -> escapism, casual sex -> lust at first but then escapism.

    Fear is the #1 motivator, lust is #2, reason is a distant #3 of no consequence to normies, and they have political power over you and me. Sell these naked empresses and proud cucks everything they got coming by their own forceful intents made bare by the social decay such mainstream oddities are. Why should they, (((they))), and T.H.E.Y. have all the fun. Those they-ez make and enforce the hidden rules that regulate our lives, the matrix. If they are not better organisms, they deserve to lose. I wish us all the best. The greatest barrier for us is living to try. I think it will take years. Cappy, your blog did not get a following overnight, as you have said. Best.

  6. Aaron, Its very important that your lies that you are peddling meet two important criteria. First, they must be believable. The best lies are those that are very close to the truth and are therefor believable. The second criteria (and this is very key) is that they have to be what the target audience wants to believe. The lies must meet their psychological requirements so that the people you are peddling them to believe them them hook, line, and sinker. This is how management consultants make their money. They tell the management of their customer (target) company what they want to hear. That's how they keep getting their contracts renewed again and again. The key to telling good lies is to pretend that you are a management consulting firm.

  7. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Give em what they deserve Cappy! From your friend, Satan.

  8. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Am I the only one who thinks this is inviting Muslim rape gangs? Hey everybody! We're all gathering in the same place with no weapons or men to protect us! It's like they're begging for it

  9. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Am I the only one who thinks this is inviting Muslim rape gangs? Hey everybody! We're all gathering in the same place with no weapons or men to protect us! It's like they're begging for it
