Sunday, August 19, 2018

White Professors to Get Minority Female Handlers in UK Colleges

If the number of worthless classes that have nothing to do with your degree isn't enough not to attend school....

And the ever increasing cost of tuition, to the point it doesn't make financial sense, isn't enough not to attend school...

Perhaps now knowing in the UK white male professors are being assigned minority female handlers in the left's never ending pursuit to destroy western civilization might make you think twice about the school and degree you choose.

Nahhhh, you kids need your "college experience" because you literally have nothing else in life.

Enjoy your Worthless degrees.


  1. Anonymous11:14 PM

    I honestly don't understand how the normies are able to continue to watch this and not allow themselves to understand what's going on, the cognitive dissonance would be fucking killing me in their position.

    That's got to be worth a blog post mate, I'd like to know what you think that they are thinking.

  2. Mark Matis4:46 AM

    I wonder how many White professors in the US would LOVE to get them some minority female handlers? I mean, at least as long as she was cute and willing, and had no problem with aborting...

  3. Chemist9:13 PM

    As a professor myself, I can state that professors get promotions based on research conducted and funding received. Teaching well does not get one promoted. Neither does administrative duties. 99% is research. So these new female minority faculty members will be spending their time 'mentoring' senior male professors instead of spending it getting their research programs established. This will just result in them getting less research done making them less likely to get promoted. So wasting their time trying to understand why they won't get ahead will just result in them not getting ahead.

  4. A young man is an idiot in 2018 if he is willing to pay $50k-$100k to go to college in order to be told how privileged he is, how toxic his masculinity is and treated like a suspected rapist.

  5. Jay Harper2:08 PM

    We used to just call them Commissars
