Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Older Brother Podcast #19 - The LAZY Episode

Going back to work...sucks.
The origins of "diversity and inclusion" BS.
Will companies ever respect your freedom of speech?
Kavanaugh exposes the true tyranny of the left.
Formerly hot feminists.
"I should've gone into the trades."
Porter's Five Forces is BS.


in this Episode of The Older Brother Podcast!

Direct MP3 here.
RSS feed here.
YouTube here.

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1 comment:

  1. Podcast listening has slowed down now that I am at my winter job and have less listening time available. Just listened to the last Older Brother's podcast, the one where you were by yourself.

    I like the multiple participant format. I thoroughly enjoyed the back and forth between three to five people. Ann, John, DT, TJ, sometimes Chad, etc. I understand that you want it to be a bit more focused, but don't go to two people. Keep it at least three, and maybe sometimes throw in a fourth, just for fun.
