Monday, October 01, 2018

Keeping It Classy There, Jimmy Kimmel

Cripes.  Does main stream America see this?


  1. A Texan4:41 AM

    The last Kimmel was worth a damn was when he was on 'The Man Show'. Since then he has become a liberal douche.

  2. No surprises there. Feminists seem to have a thing for male genital mutilation. Remember the sows on "The Talk" and the Catherine Kieu incident?

  3. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Someone still watches tv these days?

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Nice article, but it doesn't ultimately matter in the grand scheme of things, he is rapidly on his way to becoming another out-of-touch entertainer just like Sarah Silverman and Maddow are. I also very much doubt Mr. Kimmel has never once dabbled in some inappropriate actions towards the ladies in his time too! Finally, the same folks in mainstream America who turned a blind eye to the kind of actions that Kavanaugh supposedly performed are the same type of folks who turned a blind eye to routinely cutting their kids' penises for decades; cutting the rest of it off won't do a damn bit of good. If BK gets through this unscathed and without acquitting himself, we can probably count on another red wave in this year's midterms - which I am fine with if it means no more limousine liberals in office!

  5. I have no idea why someone would ever watch either Kimmel or Colbert. Neither of them has any redeeming qualities, yet Kimmel seems to see himself as some moral arbiter for the rest of us.

  6. Anonymous2:53 PM

    They need to bring back Leno. Getting pretty fucking sick of the current crop.

  7. Post Alley Crackpot11:19 PM

    Care to do something to make this buffoon a little more uncomfortable?

    Write the FCC and your Congress Critters(tm) to support FCC actions against forced cable bundling.

    Then tell them you want to see cable TV 100% unbundled in America.

    Jimmy Kimmel apparently makes a lot of money -- wouldn't it be absolutely capital if he made a lot less of it?


    He's gonna have to work for that stack of Dollah Billz(tm) ...

  8. I guess there are enough Leftists who want to see the exact same crap over and over and over again to make it a worthwhile business proposition.

  9. They'll come for Jimmy sooner or later... at which point he'll be all "Me? What could I have possibly done wrong?"

    And nobody will care.

  10. It's a fucking joke, dude.
