Wednesday, October 31, 2018

One Manly RFID-Proof Wallet

Ridge Wallet.  Going to be advertising this guy more, but the wallets are sweet, manly, and secure.  Consider buying one THIS CHRISTMAS for any man who isn't a soy boy or a pussy in your household.


  1. We used to play king of the hill during recess in the winter and the hill was usually stained with blood by the end. I doubt this is allowed today.

  2. Post Alley Crackpot3:17 PM

    I am still looking for a tacti-kewl MIL-TARD™ wallet with "optional coded extras" including a curare dart launcher ...

    A high-velocity titanium ceramic dart launcher would also be acceptable, of course.

    Does the case resist penetration by armour piercing rounds, BTW?

    Conventional RFID blocking is one thing, but stopping a 5.56x45mm tungsten armour piercing round is quite another, and we're all about blocking the Radical Fundamentalist Insurgents and Despicables in these parts.

    Does it fit in a shirt pocket? Would it stop a sniper's bullet aimed at the heart?

    Can I get it with concealed deployable sharp edges made of thin razor-sharp titanium ceramic?

    Is there an option to fill it with petrol and to attach a fuse to it?

    Does it include an add-on that allows it to spray confetti for children's parties?

    Would it be possible to fit it with an insert that allows it to be used as a harmonica?

    These are bits of tradecraft that they absolutely need to mention.

    REAL-MEN™ always need their kit to function at 110% or beyond conventional expectations. :-)

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Credit cards are only "Safe" because credit card companies refund fraudulent charges. No need for RFID-proof wallets. The waitress at the diner will just write down your numbers and info when you pay anyway...
