Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Ghost Legions of Men

An otherwise excellent article about the declining labor force participation rate among men. 

I say "otherwise" because in it's analysis it avoids the obvious motivator to get men to work again - women.

Specifically, attractive and feminine women.

Male labor force participation rate will continue to decline until there is a biological and sexual reason to get up in the morning.  If they have to look at a nation of Lena Dumhams, the hell if they're going to go look for a job.  Shoot, most of them will probably just put a bullet in their heads.


  1. Why should I give a shit about a country or society that has proven in spades (through the legal meat grinder) that it doesn't give a shit about me? I'll await an answer as to why I should.

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    If we eliminated all federal taxes, people would only have to work 25 hours a week to maintain the same lifestyle as now. Don't worry, ignorant single-step-thinkers, all the roads, police, firemen, schools, and parks are paid for by state and local taxes. The feds just pay for bombs, bureaucrats, and parasites. Remember, the nation ran just fine before 1913 when federal taxes were illegal.

    Maybe men would be willing to work if almost half their income wasn't stolen from them. Slaves only work hard enough to not die.

  3. "most of them will probably just put a bullet in their heads"

    Or go their own way and not GAF

  4. FishStyx10:40 AM

    Amen to THAT!
    The current crop of females for the last few generations are FAR too MANY respects.
    Bullets are cheap; and why should we bother?

  5. Anonymous10:07 AM

    "They are supported by parents, wives, girlfriends and government handouts. Whatever the reasons or the motivations, they are essentially living off the rest of us."


  6. farmlegend8:41 AM

    This is a direct result of the massive devaluation of k-selection qualities in men over the last 60 years.

    For American women and how they view men, it's become r-selection qualities all the way down.
