Thursday, October 25, 2018

When Leftist Parents Love Their Politics More than Their Children


  1. Adam posted a picture of that nine year old holding an "Eat a dick" balloon. People are disgusting.

  2. Most parents love just about everything more than their children, as evidenced by the time, money, care, and passion they put into everything else in life EXCEPT their offspring.

    That more kids don't go Melendez on their parents is one of modern Western life's more inexplicable mysteries.

  3. Anonymous7:06 PM


    Parents train their kids to not rebel against them. The kids of course superficially lash back in the teenage years by ruining their body, relationships, and future, but ultimately the kids remain loyal. Your parents owe you food and shelter for ~18 years. After that you are even and nobody owes anyone anything.

  4. That pic had me seeing red. Where the hell is DSS when you need them?
