Wednesday, November 21, 2018

There are No Posts Because I'm Having Fun

Cappy escaped the cold, snowy, 8 degree doldrums of Minnesota to escape and Enjoy the Decline.  Upon arriving in Vegas, he proceeded to immediately have fun and shirked all of his duties, bar Asshole Consulting.  He had some friends visit him, including that no good dirty Mexican Agent in the Field, Atham, as well as that no good dirty Jewish Agent in the Field, Seth Hymes of In Demand

Posts will return to normal upon when Cappy feels like it.


  1. MatrixTransform1:39 PM

    oh, you arsehole ... I am jealous

  2. leeholsen6:53 PM

    on Tuesday, I worked 8 to 9pm and then 11pm to 1:30 am and then 8-5 the next day. the captain is living life right and I'm an idiot

  3. I've bought a few of your books, Cappy. I consider that any shekels that result in you posting photos of having a good time and gaining a larger following actually contribute more to GDP via the expansion of sane economic education and the furthering of the Red Pill than most of my tax dollars do. I plan to buy another copy of Curse of the High IQ for a kid I know. Have another half gallon of gas for the bike on me! Merry Christmas.


    Mediocre Amateur

    Cappy enjoy your work. Thought you'd enjoy if you read this. Adventurers from out here in Utah.
