Thursday, December 27, 2018

Asking for a Date is Sexual Harassment According to Title IX?

The deposition is worth reading.  I won't delve into this until my vacation is over.  I'm just posting it in the meantime to save it for my next podcast in 10 days.


  1. All college boys need to date off campus. If she goes to school with you, then she is to be avoided like she has AIDS.

  2. I would read the actual complaint before you even talk about this. There was far more going on that just "asking for a date".

  3. leeholsen6:28 PM

    the only women to date in the usa today are conservative Christian women if you are going for a long term relationship; the rest are not worth the possible expense. it would be better to find a local prostitute.
    it's just going to get worse, hard to imagine what that is; but its coming

    1. "Conservative Christian" women are just another brand of feminists who pretend not to believe in abortion, but who are otherwise completely indistinguishable from their nonreligious sisters. There is no winning with ANY American woman nowadays.

  4. Take The Red Pill8:09 PM

    Just another good reason for 'unattractive' men to avoid women, and for women to have to assume a responsibility (which was traditionally borne by men) that comes with 'EQUALITY'. Women have been screeching for 'EQUALITY' for decades, so let them come to know what it is to get "the dirty end of the stick".
    Of course, if women don't want to do this, they can always get their government lackeys to repeal Title IX; they didn't have any problems with having it passed, did they?

    "I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution." -- Ulysses S. Grant, First Inaugural Address

  5. Then don't ask them out. What are the alternatives? Hookers and porn. For relationships, family/friends/pets.

  6. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Check this out:

    Get some great laughs while enjoying the decline! So hysterical - includes terrible student loans, dumb single moms, nose rings, and cosmetology.

  7. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The article has been retracted.

  8. Apparently Yes. The interaction between the man and the woman took place over a year. The guy was awkward and weird, but sexual harassment? Just because he made a woman feel uncomfortable?

  9. "Where have all the good men gone?"

  10. "Asking for a Date is Sexual Harassment According to Title IX?"
    For heterosexual men, that is.

  11. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Indian medical student kicked out of college by racist white professors for questioning their SJW beliefs

    Kieran Ravi Bhattacharya was a medical student at the University of Virginia and he has been kicked out after having questioned his white college professor's SJW beliefs.

    Here is the audio of the lecture where he questioned his professor's SJW beliefs:

    He speaks from 28:45 to 34:00

    Here is the audio of the suspension hearing:

    Here is a picture of the people who were at the suspension hearing:

    Notice how 14 out of the 16 people at that suspension hearing are white people. If this is not an act of racism against a sincere indian medical student, then I don't know what is. Look at their smug arrogant faces as they kick him out for DARING to question their SJW beliefs.

    His twitter is if you want to ask him questions or set up an interview with him

    Already the media is beginning to cover it:

    It has been discussed endlessly on Reddit, 4chan, and various message boards. This is THE next big story. So if you run this story on your blog, it will serve to draw a lot of traffic to your blog as well. The story will expose the truth about how our univerisites are SJW and communist indoctrination centers.

  12. A Texan4:07 PM

    "Check this out:

    They probably should have been more informed, but the states create these ridiculous credentialing requirements for some pretty mundane task. I can understand health and sanitation and use of chemicals for hair care, but even a 1000 hours seems much. Here in my local area, their is a craft center and community college offering welding and electrician and such course for a few hundred a semester. I can't imagine cosmetology instruction costing more than a $2k or so.

    I have to hand it to people that at least want to do something to improve their financial situation even if its a dumb single mom and that needs to be praised and encouraged, but a realistic view at debt versus financial rewards needs to be there to.
