Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Download This Video before It's Taken Down

Killing Trudeau is definitely going to put sand in his vagina.


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    The mainstream media is finally starting to run the article about the Trump supporter college student who got kicked out of medical school at the University of Virginia to publicly debating with a far-left SJW communist professor. Here are two new ones:

    Someone also took the time to type up a transcript of the events which happened:

    Reddit is freaking out about the story too, of course. 1000s of comments on these threads:

    This story, known as MedGate, has the potential to create a mass public outcry against our far left college system, and thus cause real damage to the student debt loan bubble.

  2. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Men are kept tame by having a family. The left has destroyed any chance of most men having a decent family. Now they trample basic sanity.

    War is inevitable at this point; stock up on food, fuel and ammo. And for God's sake, get in shape!

  3. Jay Harper3:29 PM

    The President is his Commander in Chief. Trump should already have his loyalty. Not to give it is a violation of his oath and, therefore, immoral.

  4. Help build the Trump Border Wall here - Go Fund Me campaign

    ps. would you please add CC to your blogroll??

  5. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Hope the PC crowd watch and it makes their fucking miserable heads explode! They won't be missed!!

  6. You understand he's a teacher who likes the British labour party and thought Bernie Sanders was the best candidate in 2016 right?

  7. It's hard to find an imbecile that's as pc as the Canadian prime minister as Justine Trouseau. He's a word weaver yet behaves like an fool in public. We think he has 'Peter Pan' syndrome. He's on record as shunning the word "man" (unless it's pejorative) and exalting feminism. His cabinet (the ministry is "gender balanced" and thus an ineffective cartoonery of fools. (Balanced too are the LGBTQWERTYUIOP reps.) "Junior" as many of us call him behaves like a king and a Svengali on alternate days. And money? He borrows and spends public money as we Canucks have seldom see. Ever. Totally cucked is our official fool.
