Sunday, January 20, 2019

Honestly, Men Should Just Go to the Library Instead of Bars and Nightclubs

Seriously guys, READING or GOING TO CHURCH is going to be a more fun activity than chasing after these girls.  Enjoy that decline.


  1. A Texan4:00 AM

    And the woman holding that stupid sign is actually bangable.

    Damn shame she will waste her life on crap like that.

  2. Red Pill Wisdom6:20 AM

    After going to just a few bars and clubs in my youth, I quickly found that I was just wasting my time and money fruitlessly trying to meet women who evidently thought that they crapped gold and peed rosewater.
    Not only did I find that going to the gym, library, bookstores, or museums were much more enjoyable (AND cheaper!), I also found that they were a more worthwhile use of my spare time.
    'Taking The Red Pill' (before it was even known as such) also enabled me to find the opportunities to do the things I had always wanted to do when I was a teenager: fly small planes, skydive, and scuba dive.
    Even now after thirty years I still fondly remember the first times that I soloed in a plane (a Piper Cherokee Cruiser), jumped from a plane, and scuba-dived. Memories like those are precious, and can't be possible unless you go after them.
    Western men -- don't waste your time and money chasing today's man-hater females. Don't throw away your time and money -- instead, go after your dreams and indulge yourself in your hobbies and pastimes. With Metoo and their control of the legal system, they can accuse you of anything without any fear of punishment when their accusations are proven false!
    Give yourself what you have; give them what they said they 'don't need' from a man -- NOTHING!

  3. leeholsen11:55 AM

    in defense of women in bars. although the quality of women there is very low. if wanting to meet women that are likely to be "layable" and not rabid feminists, bars would be my go to over a library every time. church wins in both cases of quality and least rabid feminists.

  4. Anonymous5:45 AM

    The gym is good.

  5. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Aaron, libraries these days are basically crash pads for the mentally ill....

  6. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Agreed with the fellow Texan from above. Would smash and dash sign girl. Sad that these idiot women let their ideologies ruin their lives, as the Ol Cap eloquently states above. In another time, that chick probably would have had a (good) family. Oh wells. Off to read Bachelor Pad Economics and hit the gym.
