Thursday, January 10, 2019

She's Pregnant with Another Man's Kid

It's another one of those days at Asshole Consulting.


  1. Red Pill Wisdom2:55 PM

    I remember the story of an old dude who had a young guy in his twenties who worked for him: the young guy had a girl chasing him, a girl who had treated him like dirt and rejected him when they were young. The young guy asked the old dude what he thought about it -- the old dude told him that "it sounds like she's pregnant and looking for a sucker to support her". It turned out that she WAS pregnant -- and the young guy dodged a bullet from Hell!

  2. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Take Cappy's advice. You dodged a bullet. You should be standing in the street, joyfully exclaiming your liberation from indentured servitude. In 10 years, you will wholly agree.

  3. Pussy is one hell of a drug!

  4. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Kudos to you cappy for laying the smackdown on that individual. More people need their ass kicked like that. Kudos to the guy for looking for genuine help.

  5. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Jaysus, I couldn't make it through all of that. F me and F this younger generation. I'm no casanova (yet), but I legitimately cringed listening to that. You're saving lives doing this, Cap.

  6. You're too intelligent Cappy. It's a blessing and a curse.

    You're also such an asshole. I love it. Carry on Hoss.

  7. Take The Red Pill8:08 AM

    Cappy --
    I've learned that a man is called an "asshole" nowadays because he speaks the truth, and the Leftists/feminists and their lickspittles and toadies don't like it (because it's not 'politically correct" or other such nonsense).
    When speaking the truth, men need to learn to NEVER back down and to NEVER apologize!
