Monday, January 07, 2019

The Psychology Industry is Bullshit

100% complete fraud.

You never go to a psychologist.  Never.


  1. Sigma Dave10:35 AM

    I could barely stomach reading that article. I couldn't help but notice that this especially emphasises how bad WHITE masculinity is. Once again, it's mostly the white guy's fault.

  2. Alan S8:58 PM

    Well, that article certainly had a lot of words in it. I'm not sure what else to say about it.

    Love the message that men benefit from the patriarchy but are also harmed by it. So...perhaps patriarchy isn't really an important part of this...or any...conversation?

  3. Anonymous5:59 AM

    As a gay man and someone diagnosed with ASD, the only time I EVER got flack for either state of mind was via liberals (in particular, psychologists) who insisted that I was systemically "oppressed" because I was a double minority. Well, how can I be systemically oppressed if at least half the country (conservatives and Libertarians) doesn't subscribe to that viewpoint and it is ONLY liberals who are making a big deal out of it? I have only been treated with sincere compassion and friendship from conservatives after revealing these two parts of me (and NOT in a "white savior complex" way either!) And while I suppose that what the APA is doing is just barely better than ignoring men's needs altogether, it still misses the mark by a longshot and I love that they are now forced to admit that our ideas about gender and what masculinity/femininity should be are NOT just social constructs!

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    War is inevitable when young men lose purpose and stability. Stock up on food and ammo now.

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    May the world once again be cursed with heathens who terrify the weak Cunts (men and women) that plague Midgard

  6. Dr. Janice Fiamengo satirized this here:
