Saturday, February 16, 2019

Captain Marvel: $150 Million, No Wait, $100 Million...Possibly $80 Million.

I'll just be going to church, smoking cigars with friends, hiking a new hike, chatting with my grandma, or wrestling with my nieces instead.  Maybe Ms. Larson can open her mouth more and cost Marvel a couple more million.

Still, no matter how it does, you can rely on the media to say it's a "record opening" using some obscure one-off statistic or another.


  1. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I’m honestly beginning to believe that Disney & Marvel Studios has changed their mind about “Captain Marvel will be the new face of the MCU” nonsense and already decided to kill the character off in Endgame. It can explain why they wouldn’t be worried about this bitch killing the opening box office. Or probably they are already planning to introduce Kamala Khan (Ms Marvel) as a replacement. Oh well, enjoying the decline.

  2. ...You can rely on the media to say it's a "record opening" using some obscure one-off statistic or another.

    You can also rely on the 'press' to blame men if it bombs.

  3. Red Pill Wisdom7:27 AM

    It's called "fake news" for a reason.
    Very reminiscent of the USSR's 'Pravda', for the same reasons.

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    1 Corinthians 13:11

    When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up comic books.

  5. If Captain Marvel tanks, the producers and the studio should consider suing Brie Larson for damages.

  6. Post Alley Crackpot6:07 PM

    How do Hollyweird people say this in Californian?

    "Bitch, shut ya damn fool mouth before ya cost us ya own damn job!"

    I am unfamiliar with the local patois of Hollyweird and so I can only render this in Jive Talkin' Valley Girl dialect.

    Don't blame me, blame ya damn fool movies. :-)
