Thursday, February 28, 2019

Just What the World Needs - More Feminsim

Because we didn't tell you enough about this movie's feminist credentials.

I truly would rather go to church than watch this propaganda.


  1. Feminism long ago became the new Religious Right.

  2. I don't expect much out of this. The reason being it's a March movie. March is one of the "garbage dump" months for movies, if it hadn't tested poorly this would have either been a Christmas or summer release. But the test audiences said "sucks" so they're dumping it in March. You watch, it'll be gone by Easter.

  3. That picture of Ryan Fleck howls "Cuck!"

  4. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I stopped giving any money to the movie industry a decade ago because they are corrupt assholes who would destroy all freedom to gain a single dime. Fuck them and let them rot. I enjoy every bit of their descent into madness and bankruptcy.

  5. Fockey12:49 PM

    Doesn't bode well for Endgame.

  6. Canceled cable TV in 2009. At that time it was $75 a month. At that rate without inflation I've saved (not sent to Hollyweird) over $8,000.00

    Last movie I went to was The Hunger Games in 2012, with my daughters, while they were still young enough to want to go to a movie with their Dad.

  7. I was thinking about buying a ticket (for the third time) for Alita and seeing Captain Marvel instead, but now I think I might not even do that.

  8. "The real love story in this movie is with the best friend."
    Beat that feminist drum sister. It must be a Freudian slip that they spent so much column space here talking about how everyone is going to fall in love with the stupid cat. ;)
