Monday, May 13, 2019

Burger King Goes Full Millennial SJW

Burger King was already on the corporate social justice virtue signaling bandwagon a while ago.

This latest commercial is just hilarious pandering to the new reality we've created for millennials and Gen Z'ers.  That reality being your accomplishments, achievements, and successes do not define you, but the perpetual malaise and victimhood society forced upon - you AND YOU CHOSE TO ACCEPT as your identity and purpose in life - does.

There will be more of this sickening coddling and poor-babying in the future because the people in the future will have nothing BUT their mental illness, their self-pitying, and pet-politics/mental disorders to define them.

And it's not so much that Burger King is capitalizing off of it, as much as it is a generation of people have allowed themselves to decay to this point.


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Too bad it's impossible to make your own food for a fraction of the price.

  2. djmoore9:48 AM

    "a generation of people have allowed themselves to decay to this point. "

    Worse than that, I'm afraid.

    It's that at least two generations have been specifically and deliberately taught to believe that they are nothing but their oppressions. Except, of course, straight white males, everyone's oppressors, who are thus pressured to abandon their identitiies.

  3. That's a commercial to sell burgers? I'm too disconnected from this culture

  4. I could care less if Burger King goes full SJW or not. I don't eat their shitty food regardless.

  5. What a depressing commercial. The messages I took from it are (a) the world (ie other people) owes me everything and (b) I should drown my sorrows in BK poison.


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  7. David Wholly8:15 AM

    Shut up and sell. That's what every good company does.

  8. Anonymous8:53 AM


    "Except, of course, straight white males, everyone's oppressors, who are thus pressured to abandon their identitiies."

    And for those of us who don't and simply get on with life despite increasing legal and institutional racism thrown up along with other social obstacles.. we endure and leave them all behind.

    Living well is truly the best revenge, but their self-inflicted misery brings continuious amuzement.

  9. Anonymous8:44 AM

    This society is nothing but a SHIT SHOW these days and hasn't got a chance of surviving with these snowflake losers back filling those that will soon pass. Too bad, the USA had a great run!!

    Glad that I'm near the end of the road so as not to witness this shit in full swing!!

  10. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Could only watch for 25 seconds.
