Wednesday, July 10, 2019

"The Rational Choice of Post-College Social Life"

"The flip side is that college men will often marry women who previously “put out” to better looking men in college. The married man might consider this a form of intertemporal cuckoldry; he may feel that he has bought the cow, where others have gotten the milk for free.[1] This resentment is likely to be acute for the married man who is now a successful professional and/or the primary breadwinner.[2] In this instance, the married man (who perhaps forewent “partying” opportunities in college) will feel that his wife has gotten the better of this arrangement."


  1. Post Alley Crackpot6:28 PM

    And this is why you have to stretch her arsehole out ...

    Because when it's all over, don't let it be said that you're the bigger arsehole. :-)

  2. Anonymous6:36 PM

    How about this: "No sex before marriage".

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    That article states "Environmentalists should see the silver lining in our present situation" in relation to falling white birth rates. How does the falling birth rates of 5% of the worlds population really help when the 95% (third world) are exploding?

    As for the actions of these women Tom Leykis had some great episodes of his old 90s radio show which you can find on youtube concerning how to deal with this..... date them, string them along for a while to get what you want..... then replace them. Just don't marry or live with them.

    If women want to make themselves replaceable then by all means oblige them.

  4. True statement from the article:

    "the wife typically becomes less agreeable over time even as her physical beauty declines with age."
