Monday, July 08, 2019

Why the Red Pill Will Replace Religion

Radio Towers are Expensive

Radio towers are expensive.

They cost millions in steel to build, millions more to power and send out a radio signal.  Hundreds of thousands to maintain and operate.  And millions more in electrical equipment housed in the radio station below.  It's no wonder radio show hosts are paid so little, yet the advertising fees cost so much - radio show companies need huge margins to simply cover the huge physical investment costs necessary to run a radio station.

But then the internet came and fundamentally changed everything.

With a mere $100 used laptop, a $50 microphone you can get on Amazon, and internet access, a sole individual can broadcast to the world, potentially reaching billions across the planet, while a radio tower AT BEST can reach millions in a 50 mile radius.  Throw in smart phones and (if you're like me) you rarely listen to radio any more, because why would you?  You can download the latest episode from your favorite podcast, listening to what you want, when you want, from anywhere there's internet in the world.  And thus, not only is radio dying, podcasters are flourishing with every Tom, Dick, and Harry starting their very own podcast.

But there are other industries that the internet and the near-free transmission of information and media has obsoleted.

The education industry, for example, simply should not exist.  We should not be forcibly busing millions of kids every day to concentration camps schools where at most you can pack 50 kids at a time to listen to one overpaid and obsolete teacher.  We should not be sending millions of kids to "college" where 80% of the classes can be learned online for free, but we will charge them $500 a credit anyway.  Nearly all education should be conducted over the internet, allowing one teacher to potentially teach millions of students, saving the taxpayer and students trillions of dollars, not to mention:

parking fees
dormitory costs
cafeteria plans
and student loans.

Legal and accounting services is another example as well.  I have a friend who is a partner at one of the most prestigious law firms in the Twin Cities.  She and her other younger partner colleagues cannot wait until the old guard retires or dies off so they can get rid of their expensive downtown lease, allow all lawyers to work from home, saving them millions in rental costs, not to mention the horrific commute Minnesotans consciously vote in.  My colleague Chad Elkins had one-upped this law firm with his CPA firm, working from the comforts of his own home because the service he provides is nothing more than information.  Information that can be commuted over the internet, just like 100% of all legal work done in the US today.

I could go on, pointing out different industries that have been obsoleted/revolutionized because of the internet, but the short version is "if your product is a service or information, you no longer need a physical presence"....enter in "Podcast Pastor."

Podcast Pastor

Podcast Pastor is a brilliant idea I have and can potentially make me (and any pastor willing to work with me) millionaires.  And the concept is very simple:

Why spend millions on physical churches, pews, hymnals, day care facilities and staff when sermons and the Word of God can be conveyed over the internet?  Not only will Tilly who is in a nursing home, or Bob who is stationed in Iraq, who both cannot attend church physically be able to get a sermon, but millions, even billions of younger people today are glued to their phones, preferring to take in everything digitally instead of physically.  Overnight churches could reverse the loss of members in the church, bringing the church to them instead of forcing people to commute to the church.  And what's brilliant is to cover the costs of spreading the word of the lord over the world would be a collection plate that links to a PayPal account.  I take my Heath-Ledger-Joker 50% cut, and the pastor has a handsome compensation and budget by which to fund whichever church initiatives he'd like.

Of course there is a problem (because there is ALWAYS a problem).  And that problem is finding a pastor who has the vision to see how this digital version of church is drastically superior to the brick and mortar version of church.  Pastors also don't like paying out 50% to me since I am not religious (though they will happily pay out 70% of their budgets to a soulless bank for their mortgage).  But none of these hurdles change the fact that the internet has fundamentally changed the religious's just the industry hasn't realized it yet.

Podcast Parallels

However, the parallels between churches, radio stations, law firms, and schools do not end there.  And it is also no coincidence that I'm a podcaster who came up with the idea of "podcast pastor."  But how I came up with the idea of podcast pastor was NOT having the epiphany that the internet has obsoleted traditional means by which to convey information, and I could profit off of it by turning churches digital.  It was realizing instead that the "Red Pill" community operated nearly identically to a church, and in a sense I already had a congregation.  It would merely be applying the same skills I learned having an online presence to that of a digital church.

For example, like a church I have a "congregation."  You can call them "readers," "subscribers," "listeners," "followers," "fans," etc., but the thousands of people who tune in regularly to my podcasts or read my posts effectively form a congregation.  And other online personalities or "Red Pill Pastors" have their own congregations.  Rich Cooper, Terrence Popp, Roosh, Rollo Tomassi, Donovan Sharpe, all have "congregations" unto themselves, congregants who tune in regularly to hear their message.

There is also the message itself.  Like a religion, these "Red Pill Pastors" convey terabytes of information and wisdom about life, careers, family, love, women, dating, finances, philosophy and more.  And if you take a secular view of religion, this message serves a very "Leviticusian" purpose in explaining how to go about living your life, managing your life, and being successful in life.  One could argue most religions are simply the wisdom of "life management," but with all the added fat of singing, pointless ceremonies, the afterlife, and "believe in me or die" type threats that forces you to believe.  Still, most red pill podcasts are nothing more than sermons from older men trying to pass on life-wisdom to younger ones.   

And there's even the donation plate.  Though there are many ways to monetize these metaphorical Red Pill Churches, a quick click on somebody's PayPal link is no different than dropping $5 into the collection plate, just as becoming a Patreon member is like becoming a member to the church.  Having a red pill channel is really no different than the theoretical "digital church" I wished to create in Podcast Pastor.

A More Practical Message

There is, however, one major difference between the "The Church of the Saint Red Pill" and all other major religions. And it's also the reason why more and more men will replace their traditional religions (if any) with the red pill - practicality.

The message of the red pill is infinitely more practical to young men today because it addresses the thing they want the most - women.  Cheapened as you might find this, it is true.  Men, above all other things, want women. It's why the lions share of material you'll hear in the red pill community is about women.  It's why the majority of time, effort, and resources in the red pill is about marriage, dating, sex, and love.  And whereas you can barely get a traditional church congregant to stay awake for a 15 minute sermon about salvation or Christ, you can get thousands of men to fully-tune in for 4 hour podcast extravaganzas on how to get a date with a woman.  It's no shock that while membership in churches are declining, the red pill community is growing exponentially because the message the "red pill religion" conveys addresses the most important issue young (and old) men have in their lives - women.

Red Pill, Black Pill, God Pill

The problem with having the Red Pill supplant religion is that it is somewhat short sighted.  Yes, it addresses the number one thing in life for men - women.  Yes, it addresses all other aspects of life that most of modern day religions don't (career, education, health, etc.), or at least in modern, more practical terms.  But while men have the horse-blinders on in their pursuit of women in the here and now, the day will come you either get married or simply get old and face your own mortality, which will then necessitate you seriously revisit traditional religion.

This is the "red pill, black pill, god pill" transition that I CANNOT CLAIM to be the originator of (it was somebody else who, if you can inform me, I will gladly provide credit here).  But the basic evolution of these pills is such:

You are introduced to truth through the red pill. This requires a (roughly) decade-long journey undoing all the lies and propaganda you've been fed to simply get back to square one, and reorganize your life so you make the most of the remainder of your life on this planet.  Your decisions are based in truth and reality, they become more effective, and you start to have success in life.

This will then lead you to the "black pill" or "nihilism."  In part because you will be so angry at how society lied to you and itself, but also once you do base your life in reality and get back on track, you will have success.  This success will come in the form of solving most of your major problems.  And once these major problems are gone, you will be forced to look into the future ask what is life all about.  Those stuck addicted to the blue pill are too busy slaving away as debt slaves, stuck in traffic, never having the time or luxury to contemplate the meaning of life. They're too busy just treading water, spending every second dealing with the mistakes they made in the past be it student loans, divorce, illegitimate children, etc.  But you get to stare the monster right in the face and contemplate your existence on this planet.

This will then lead to the "God Pill" as exhibited by Roosh's recent conversion to religion.  It is not coincidence that Roosh sought religion AFTER he had completed his journey conquering women and gaining all the wisdom the red pill had to offer.  It was what was foremost on his mind as a young man, and will be what is on the mind of most young men today.  But the day is coming either through success with women or by forfeiting the pursuit of women, your focus will no longer be on women, careers, educations, travel, philosophy, hobbies, or life, but the after-life.

It is because of this both religions (traditional and "The Glorious Church of Saint Red Pill") will play necessary roles in all men's (and women's) lives.  You cannot deny your nature or programming, and for the first half of men's lives, the Red Pill will teach them the vital lessons needed to navigate this all-important part of your life.  But the day is coming you will either get married, commit to a woman, or simply tire of them and throw in the towel. And once that happens the only other major problem you will face in life is that it will end.  This will be a choice up to you to decide whether you want to take the "God Pill" and become religious, or take a more secular view that you will return to "nothingness" existing as you didn't before you were born.  That choice I cannot make for you. But if there's anything I've learned about humans it is that we need two things in life - vice and religion.  Take the time to resurface from your consumption of the Red Pill religion to occasionally contemplate traditional religion, even if they are stuck in the dark ages, forcing you to attend a physical church, when Podcast Pastor could make it so much more convenient.




  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Church used to be a place to meet quality young women. Used to be. It's not the sermons and bullshit driving men away, it's the lack of good women.

  2. Red Rhodes...2:40 PM

    You’re a genius!

  3. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Why spend millions on physical churches, pews, hymnals, day care facilities and staff when sermons and the Word of God can be conveyed over the internet?

    In a word: Fellowship.
    It's important. People congregate because we are social animals and church is a way to bring people with common interests and belief systems together.
    The internet is no substitute for real life.
    And folks who do substitute the internet for real life are poorer for the experience and less happy longterm.

    1. Yes, this is another reason working alone at home has problems and companies frown on it.

  4. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Just to add (while I'm talking to myself),
    they do have podcast pastors now. And radio pastors. And television pastors.
    The person in the nursing home, or grieving over the loss of a loved one, or encountering whatever travails they incur in life, still often desire a congregation to surround themselves with, or at least a chaplain to talk to.
    Most nursing homes have visiting Sunday pastors for this reason, though they could just listen to the radio or watch the 700 club.
    The military has chaplains for similar reasons.

  5. Albert8:54 PM

    I'll note that televangelists have been around for quite a while. And they're known to be complete scum for the most part. I don't expect podcast-preachers to turn out much better, at least not if they're in it for the money.

    Now, someone preaching sermons without personally profiting, that's perhaps noteworthy.

  6. Post Alley Crackpot1:12 AM

    "They cost ... millions more to power and send out a radio signal ... but then the internet came and fundamentally changed everything."

    This is also why SETI and the Drake Equation do not jointly converge on a result that would make these people happy.

    Replace multi-spectra RF systems with closed RF systems as well as RF systems that do not leak signal outside a given planet's local atmosphere, and those planets cease to be seen as "intelligent life out there" by those who are looking for RF signals.

    Another way of looking at this is that if your species tends to be in the main a bunch of arrant retards who have stolen their genetic lineage from a slightly similar species that they murdered into extinction except for some badly preserved copies of their genetic codes, the fact that this psychopathic species of kill-fuck-or-devour mental midgets could die off in The Great Filter's many cosmic recycling schemes without being noticed at all scarcely registers on the cosmic scale.

    And at a cosmic scale, wise commentators note, "That's just life", shortly before going back to their cosmic VPNs into multi-galactic Internets that allow them to stay hidden from a considerably more threatening version of The Great Filter than the one previously implied.

    These cosmic commentators also note that it's difficult to tell the difference in terms of results between loving a supreme deity who hates you and hating a supreme deity who hates you back, but given a choice, they'd rather stay out of the watchful eye of The Great Filter in case it's in that supreme deity's employment, whether it truly exists or not.

    Even wiser cosmic commentators also note that a form of what some Earth creatures call Buddhism has emerged on every planet that has evolved a form of mass communication, only for the majority of their kinds to reject it in favour of being hated by a supreme deity for what they perceive as the right kinds of reasons.

    Passers-by may conclude "That's just life" as well, but they have no fucking idea what they're talking about.

  7. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Agree with 4:28 Anon. This post misses the boat. For instance, it's not that people pay to go to college to learn stuff. What's that line from Good Will Hunting?

    "You'll realize you wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for $1.50 in late chahges at the public library."

    "Yea, but at least I'll have a degree."

    People are paying for the credential and the connections (and the party).
    People at church are paying for the fellowship.

  8. One small critique I have to make: the red pill stage only takes 10 years if you're an established blue pill man in like his 30s, currently being divorce raped or something. For younger men, this red pilling can be a lot faster, as they are less invested in their conditioning and also a little bit more gullible to new ideas. This is why your work targeting young men with Recon man, Worthless and Bachelor Pad is so important. You are "red pilling" men when its a lot easier for them to take said pill.

  9. As you yourself have said, being all by yourself is depressing. And while a podcast of a Sunday sermon is convenient, the fellowship of meeting other Christians (or other religious types) once a week is reaffirming.

  10. It's probably going to be the other way around. People who go red pill eventually burn out when the change they want to effect upon the world doesn't come. Eventually, they will seek a spiritual fellowship to be a part of. Red Pill, at its core, is abrasive, confrontational, and insubstantial, especially since many red pillers are atheist or agnostic. It eventually boils down to "not SJW" which isn't enough to give people real purpose in real life. That will then lead to these red pillers looking for some faith to fill that hole in after the initial red pill rush wears off. We've seen this with actual Red Pill figures: Aurini converted to Catholicism, Bechtloff to Evangelicalism, and many others to Eastern Orthodoxy. As for me, I've always seen red pill as a mere extension of my Catholicism. The lefties profess ideas that oppose my faith, the red pillers oppose these leftists, so to me, red pill was just an extension of my religion. As liberal as the current Pope is, he can't get behind things like transgenderism and the complete erosion of private property, because his faith won't let him. Which goes to show that there are traditions and beliefs that not even the supreme executive of the faith can change. He's only infallible when he speaks in support of traditions and truths established in the past-the moment he oversteps his authority, he's fucked. Go ask Pope Boniface VIII what happened when he tried to extend papal authority into the secular realm. He got his ass kicked by the French and the Italians.

    As for me, I've chosen to throw my lot in with Catholicism because A) it really IS the original Christian faith, and it hasn't changed its beliefs in 2000 years. Granted, smaller beliefs like the language, the destination of pagan souls, and celibate clergy can change, but the core beliefs like the Nicene Creed and the traditions don't. Protestants alternate from being pseudo-Catholic to super-Calvinist to just "believing in the Bible", which means a Bible of their own choosing and interpretation. The Orthodox tend to be puppets of the state whenever the country is Orthodox like in Russia and Greece, and there was that one time when they started burning religious images because the Muslims inspired them to. Both Churches relish in the fact that they're divided and that there's no central authority, which to me is a sign of weakness: they can't get along with each other so they'd rather be torn to shreds between a thousand different directions, which just tells me that there's no objective truth there. I can't speak for the other religions outside of Christianity, but I've decided to toss my lot in with Rome because there's the certainty that they've still stuck with the same ideology for 2000 years.

  11. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Fellowship. People don't go to the church to listen to the sermon. There's no wisdom to be found that I cannot find googling the internet. They go to get out of their homes, away from their TVs and phones, and be with others.

    I do nearly everything online. I can set up my life to NEVER having to speak to another human if I so wish.

    At least on Sundays I still have a place to go to be with others.

  12. Anonymous3:03 PM

    All the best Catholics I've seen are "internet Catholics", but in real life Catholics act more like Mexicans or the Irish who kept reelecting Ted Kennedy.

    I don't know what it takes to build a physical community that doesn't eventually become just another leftist wasteland.


  13. "But none of these hurdles change the fact that the internet has fundamentally changed the religious's just the industry hasn't realized it yet."

    Though you are correct in the idea of using the Internet to reach more people, I think you miss a couple of items:

    * Televangelist pastors have been using radio, TV and now the 'Net for quite some time. Regardless of one's view on the social positives/negatives it is being done.
    * Some services just can't be done 'Netwise. Examples are -- food banks, day/elder care, last rites, etc.
    * Don't forget that sometimes people associate a place with an event. Church is one of those. (Why do people go to the movies rather than watch a first run at home? For the eventness and community of watching something with other people.)

    "Podcast Parallels"

    Your description and comparison are spot on. But I have to tell you, you are behind the curve here. Certain pastors have been doing this for at least 5 years.

    "Red Pill, Black Pill, God Pill"

    An interesting observation and quite honestly should have been your lede for this piece as it is the heart of the matter is it not? It is interesting in my view as there are two derivations -- The nihilist view as you project in the piece. (accurate by the way) The other the sufficient view. That is a path in life where one may by dint of effort reach that state of sufficiency that he has the resources he needs and is 'his own man'. Such a state does not require a Bn dollars in the bank, or a 17 room mansion, or any other commercial marker, just enough. Sterling Hayden tapped into it 50+ years ago --

    "... What does a man need - really need? A few pounds of food each day, heat and shelter, six feet to lie down in - and some form of working activity that will yield a sense of accomplishment. That's all - in the material sense, and we know it. But we are brainwashed by our economic system until we end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetry, playthings that divert our attention for the sheer idiocy of the charade.

    The years thunder by, The dreams of youth grow dim where they lie caked in dust on the shelves of patience. Before we know it, the tomb is sealed.

    Where, then, lies the answer? In choice. Which shall it be: bankruptcy of purse or bankruptcy of life?"

    'his own man', was something the yeoman farmer of yore knew he had in abundance and is sorely lacking in our society today. That applies to 'getting the Gurls' too. Desperation, lack of confidence is a pheromone and can't be masked with trappings of fake wealth. Women sense that quite well.

    I'll leave it there.

  14. I believe it was Roosh that coined the progression "Red pill, black pill, God pill" But he added one more to the progression. For him it was the "Blue pill, red pill, black pill, God pill".

    His premise was that as we grow up we a fed a delusion as to how women are. A fantasy like Santa at Christmas. That is the blue pill. We then find out that things are not the way we were taught. That is the blue pill. After we find out the reality we then find out that the fix is in at the highest levels and we become depressed and nihilistic. That is the black pill. Our options then are suicide or religion and that is the God pill.
