Saturday, August 17, 2019

Yes, Some Women Love Their Careers More than Their Children


  1. Snazzy har, CC, but if you’re not an Orthodox Jew you shouldn’t be wearing it indoors. 😉

  2. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Friggin brilliant! You need to post this to YOUR fb PAGE.

  3. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Cappy is too charitable to women in this video.

    The key to any woman married to a beta male (and a man willing to wife her up is typically a beta in her eyes), is that she refuses to make a net profit at the household level.

    (You've probably noticed the intense lack of concern / disdain for profits among women at your place of work. It's universally a woman thing).

    If you ran the calculation to show that her job actually lost money for the household, she would be completely unmoved and secretly pleased. A beta deserves anything but her best. Making a household profit for a beta would nauseate her.
