Thursday, June 04, 2020

How Betterment Ruined Investing with Politics

Get woke, go broke.
And while you're at it whitey, check your privilege.


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Re: Vanguard

    Main online site page has letter from CEO today saying the same things Betterment did.

    I responded with F U, and am now looking for a new home for my retirement funds.

  2. Anyone know of any robo-investers that I can move my money to?

  3. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Sad to see this. I liked Betterment too.

    Check out M1 Finance - they do microshares like Betterment, but do stocks as well as funds. And as of Friday morning, no statements.

  4. Anyone else think there's about capitalizing on a man's murder?

  5. Cappy,

    Unfortunately, Vanguard drank some SJW water and put out a statement on 4 June. Sucks, because we have two IRAs there. At this point, not sure where to go with the IRAs. Vanguard has definitely gone downhill since Bogle left, unfortunately.

  6. I have a 401k @ Schwab - so far no virtue signaling. I would recommend them (at least today.)

  7. A Texan6:10 PM

    I recall the federal government burning up mostly white people at Waco and a year or two before that Ruby Ridge where a white man with unpopular views had his wife and child killed by federal agents over a bogus arrest warrant (Gerry Spence defended him).

    A white guy died in Dallas in 2016 or so:

    I really don't care about duh-versities and their self inflicted problems. I guess it's too much to graduate high school, stay off drugs, stay out of situations that attract law enforcement, get a job or some education, and don't have bastard kids you can't afford.

  8. A Texan4:49 AM

    White professor is saying that don't be a dumbass, and you to can probably do ok like those poor Asians who come to America.

  9. SM7775:01 AM

    Retirement Funds? In this era? No, really? What is a piece of paper? It is a promise to pay. Well, promises can be broken and usually are despite whether or not the victim (of the banking system) is aware of it. No retirement funds for me. PM's, long term food stock and lots of "security".

  10. And just like that, in the space of about a week, the largest and most influential empire in the history of mankind...............went insane. Kool Aid for me, thank you very much.
