Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Target Learned Nothing

Target (which if you didn't know has been the most consistent dick-sucker of political/CSR correctness if there ever was an example) has now completely gone "full-retard" and committed additional shareholder funds towards the community that destroyed/looted their stores.

I am not going to go into an exhaustive and belabored explanation of the psychopathy behind this because it is pointless.  Nobody in today's modern self-hating zeitgeist will care.  I will merely point out this is "danegeld" and the sign of cowards, pussies, weaklings, and inferior humans who have no self-respect.  It is also a sign of the lack of real corporate leadership or strategy as "virtue signaling" is all modern day Gen X "corporate leaders" can come up with in terms of marketing their wares.

I sincerely hope all Target shareholders, especially those who think they are virtue signaling, lose all their money, investment, and capital bribing thugs, thieves, looters, and otherwise-general parasites not to loot/destroy their stores again.  Like COVID, I am cheering on the "bad guys" because at least they're honest and Target is the most cowardly and hypocritical of entities that absolutely deserves to be destroyed.  JC Penny and Sears are merely the canaries in the coal mine.  If Target thinks it needs to castrate itself in front of political entities to make it.  Fine, so be it.  They may last, but Target's existence will be an insufferable one and I pity any poor person that has to work there, let alone the shareholder that "invests" in this laughable company.


  1. These corporations like Target must have so much money that they can afford to give the middle finger to so many of their potential customers.

  2. Actually saw a "Now Hiring" sign in my local Target. I was seriously considering applying, since they were offering a much higher pay than my current job (Tuesday Morning, which has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy). I doubt I'll apply after seeing this, though.

  3. Target is going to go the way of Woolworth's and W.T. Grant.

    Then again, ALL businesses nowadays have become virtue-signaling zombies determined to commit economic seppuku. Whether this is out of fear, stupidity, or some combination of both is up for debate, but the extent to which they manage to stay in business will tell us how converged the buying public has become.

  4. A Texan4:59 AM

    We know all that ghetto 'duh-versity' has the money to provide sustenance to these corporate poop heads unlike their working class/upper middle class suckers who actually work for a living.

  5. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I haven't given these assholes a dime for years, because they are exactly what the Captain has pointed out. I will be very pleased to see them collapse someday and shutter up all the locations in shame. Fucking King Loser of all the corporations out there!!!

    Man, MN sure knows how to produce these assholes. You can add Best Buy to the heap!!

  6. please pass the popcorn....
