Thursday, June 18, 2020

The University of Clown World

First, it should be stated that the vast majority of degrees are completely worthless and are going to be the number one cause of poverty for generations going forward.

Second, if you must attend college, choose a degree that is worthwhile and will make your lifetime income one you can live amply off of.

Third, ideally, attend college online so you can not only save fees, greenhouse gases, tuition, and rent, but the horrific time that is spent wasted commuting to a physical campus.

Finally, if you're going to attend a physical college AND major in a worthless field AND have a career in "academia" preparing for psycho-shit like this to happen as you are working among insane people who are manically-ideologically driven. 

Finally consider purchasing the books below so you don't end up like the generations of worthless and marginally employed professors and liberal arts majors.


  1. I will disagree with the third one. One of my greatest pleasures in life. I audit community college social classes and argue with the liberal biased professors whenever they make blatant biased mistakes.

  2. Having two STEM degrees has helped me stay employed for 28 years. I have tried to steer my kids in the STEM direction if they want to go to college? I realized, during my high school years that loving to read history is one thing, putting food on the table is more important. So, I did take history classes in college (my college didn't offer minors in history at that time, but I have enough credits to say I would have had a minor), mostly to get an easy A, to supplement my STEM classes, which could be challenging.

    So, kids, today do as the good Cappy says, and stay away from useless degrees (cough, liberal arts, cough) if you are going to college.

  3. I would also suggest that the budding college bound student take a look at the BLS occupational outlook webpages. One can find out very quickly what occupations have a future, the growth in those areas, and their average salaries and whether a degree is required or not.

  4. JK Brown12:13 PM

    You may find this article I came across interesting. It questions the utility of mixing the university (grad and professional schools) with the undergraduate college. "Can a true university, devoted to scholarship, to investigation, to high professional training, be developed out of a conglomerate institution whose undergraduate activities are mainly athletic, social, and competitive? "

    This article gave me the term "degree-hunters". But instead of the hope for waning of the "degree-hunters" making up universities, the raison d'ĂȘtre of the university has become to milk the "degree-hunters".

    "The university part of our mixed institutions consists of a graduate school, devoted to teaching and to research, certain professional schools in law, medicine, engineering, teaching, and, in some institutions, to theology. The graduate schools, apart from the professional schools, have suffered in considerable measure from the fact that they have been attended by a large body of students who are not primarily scholars or investigators. For the last twenty or thirty years every ambitious American college has felt that it could not maintain fair academic dignity unless its teachers were able to write after their names Ph.D. The graduate schools have been invaded, therefore, during the comparatively short period of their existence by an army of degree-hunters who desired the degree of Doctor of Philosophy as a preliminary to obtaining positions as teachers.

    "The mingling of college and university has its disadvantages for the undergraduate college no less than for the graduate university to which it is bound. The most serious is the weakening of the college sense of responsibility for good teaching. A false notion of research in the conglomerate institution has gone far to discredit the good teacher and to weaken the appreciation of the fact that the chief duty of the college is to teach. "

    Scribner's Magazine Vol. 73, 1923, p556

    Are Our Universities Overpopulated?
    President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

  5. A Texan7:03 PM

    STEM degrees are not really worth all that much either these days. Corporate scumbag America wants to hire nothing but H1's as wage slaves, and even if you do have a job and do it well, it really means nothing since if you cost too much you are out the door anyway.

  6. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Poor and vulnerable people and academia
