Thursday, July 02, 2020

All That Virtue Signaling and Danegeld for Nothing!!!!

Black Youtubers file lawsuit against YouTube.

Perhaps YouTube can consult Target about how virtue signaling has helped with race relations.


  1. YouTube and any of these platforms in their TOS all say they can restrict or block access for any or no reason at any time. The censorship is real online for sure, but we all kind of agreed that they have that power when we use their shit.

  2. Un Americano10:14 PM

    Good! I hope YouTube gets its collective consciousness raised!

  3. Anonymous2:14 AM

    I don't think that this is a race related problem. Is anyone satisfied with Youtube?

  4. From the article: "Stephanie Frosch says YouTube officials told her in 2017 that the company’s content moderation algorithms discriminate based on race."

    Certified bullshit. No company would do this and no company would tell anyone if they were doing this. My suspicion is that Stephanie might not be particularly intelligent, as well as schooled in wokeness, completely misinterpreted something that they did say. And who is she anyway? A "content creator" who got to visit with company officials while they bared their souls about all the horrible racist things they do?

    This lawsuit would go nowhere EXCEPT that the company will grovel and settle, provide millions of dollars to black charities, create a special panel to address race based claims, and basically double down on virtue signaling and danegeld.

    Meanwhile conservatives like Stefan Molynieux and Dennis Prager have videos restricted and removed every day for speech that the left doesn't like and we are told "private company can do what it wants". Hmm. Apparently not. At least not when it comes to the appropriate victim groups.

  5. Un Americano7:17 PM

    Found the source of this lawsuit:

    "Stephanie Frosch had a remarkable 2017, revealing “THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUTUBE'S LGBT RESTRICTION.” She discovered that all LGBTQ+ channels were inaccessible on the site’s “safe mode” for children. Of course, she, like many activists on social media, know that kids often have the least support and need the online community most."

