Monday, October 26, 2020

Chile's Good Times Have Now Reliably Created Their Weak Men

 Guess we're scratching Chile off the list.


  1. Un Americano8:44 AM

    “Chile is likely to migrate toward a welfare-state constitution in which the government guarantees access to key public services, such as education, health care and pensions.”

    every goddamned time.

  2. I wonder how long it will take them to hit rock bottom like Venezuela? Hugo Chavez was able to put off the day of reckoning by selling a lot of oil when prices were high. I'll bet it will take just about five years for Chile to get there, depending on how messed up their new "constitution" ends up. I'm guessing it will be full of all kinds of "economic rights" and will be very short on freedom.

    Goodbye, Chilean economic miracle, it was nice knowing you. Mexico is heading down the same path.

  3. Anonymous1:11 AM

    I smell sulfur. This has the stench of Soros' Open Society infiltration.

  4. A Texan5:07 AM

    No Augusto Pinochet this time around.

  5. I live in Chile and totally agree with you. We were close to being the first developed country in Latinoamerica, liberalism took us from the second poorest country of latinoamerica in 1970 (when a communist was president), to the most stabled, developed economy, something not short of a miracle . Unfortunately new generations have been brainwash by the mainstream media and academia into falsely believing the country is immoral and unfair, for years.
    Shame really, I used to be a libertarian but starting to transition to more auth right, I believe people do not have the ability to think and vote informed.

  6. I live in Chile and totally agree with you. We were close to being the first developed country in Latinoamerica, liberalism took us from the second poorest country of latinoamerica in 1970 (when a communist was president), to the most stabled, developed economy, something not short of a miracle . Unfortunately new generations have been brainwash by the mainstream media and academia into falsely believing the country is immoral and unfair, for years.
    Shame really, I used to be a libertarian but starting to transition to more auth right, I believe people do not have the ability to think and vote informed.

  7. A Texan10:35 AM

    "Shame really, I used to be a libertarian but starting to transition to more auth right, I believe people do not have the ability to think and vote informed."

    I favor a more libertarian mindset, but the reality most people are too stupid for anything resembling freedom. Most of the fellow 'Mericans are certainly too stupid for the Bill of Rights.
