Thursday, December 03, 2020

Carjackings up 537% in Minneapolis

Couldn't happen to a more deserving group of self-loathing socialist pussies who voted it in upon themselves.


  1. A Texan4:21 PM

    I truly hope that one of these fine criminals they have let loose exterminate plenty of white shitlibs. I would love to see stories of the white shitlib being raped on their granite counter tops by all that equal duh-versity they supposedly love so much.

  2. Red Pill Wisdom4:40 PM

    And THAT isn't enough -- the idiots in the city council want to cut police funding by another $8 million.
    Idiots never learn from their mistakes -- especially idiots like Marxists, Communists, and other assorted leftist morons who refuse to learn from history.

    "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

    "The only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." -- Albert Einstein

    1. The difference between our commies and commies all over the world is that commies in other places like China and Venezuela believe in an increased police presence. Even they know that without a law enforcement organization in place, they can’t possibly enforce laws and government dictates.

  3. A Texan4:46 PM

    Let us also remember that shitlibs always pride themselves on how 'edumucated' and smart they are compared to us troglodytes out in the rural areas with guns. I wonder why the ghetto scum rarely attack a rural property?

  4. Well, we all assumed they voted for it. Or someone voted for it on their behalf, to make sure it went the 'right' way. Perhaps there aren't quite so many idiots voting left as we thought...

  5. Anonymous10:30 PM

    I can't say this enough. Get the hell out of the big cities now. You should have left 2 years ago

  6. I echo A Texan's sentiments. I think that BLM and the Muslim "refugees" in Europe could potentially serve a valuable purpose in that they provide Guilty Caucasian Liberals with the sort of rude awakening that so many of them need.

  7. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Minneapolis City Council members should all be the left naked and alone at midnight in the middle the their shithole city. In the morning the cops can collect what's left of them and feed it to the dogs!!
