Monday, January 04, 2021

Baby Boomer Rationalization Hamsters

Remember the "Rationalization Hamster?"  Well it hasn't gone away and is very strong.  Especially among boomer women.


  1. "Mad skillz." lol It's just about all women, and most men. Periodic rabbit bloom.

  2. Most guys probably assume she’s not batting for their team. Few succeed at permanent weight loss but most can grow their hair. Or at least get clip ins.

  3. She sure does spin that wheel, doesn't she? She claims to be great wife material, yet by her own admission she's bisexual.

    These people are more than just damaged, they're train wrecks. She doesn't get why no man wanted to be more than a f*ck buddy. Even her adopted son recognized how messed up she is and told her to just go lesbian.

    But hey, she's a catch.

  4. Anonymous1:24 PM

    "I call myself “incidentally poly,” since it is not my consciously chosen lifestyle, but I have had several simultaneous connections."

    "I have done all the things relationship coaches advise, such as feng shui-ing my home, designing a vision board, making “the list” of qualities I desire in a partner, cleaning out a dresser drawer, acting as I would if I were in a relationship, journaling about it, being the kind of person I want to attract, loving myself as I want to be loved."

    Women give horrible solipsistic advice. She should make "the list" of qualities that a man wants, like losing weight, growing your hair, not coloring it purple!

  5. If that's her in that picture, then yeah, cats and Duracells.

  6. I see cats in her life. Lots and lots of cats.

  7. I think she left out one quality in the perfect mate. Poor eyesight.
