Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Nobel Peace Prize Means Nothing

But we've known that for a while.


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Lets forget the fact that BLM was responsible for destroying and razing prominently poor neighborhoods, dragging people out of their businesses and homes and beating them to death, and robbing businesses. Yeah what a GREAT candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize! I guess its only okay when they do it. People are low IQ NPC's now a days.

  2. It hasn't meant anything since Arafat won it. It REALLY hasn't meant anything since Obama won it.

  3. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Nobel peace Prize has become the epitome of a participation trophy for radical groups or politicians. All those 20th century scientists who worked very long years to come up with groundbreaking discoveries that shaped the modern world as we know it now are rolling in their graves that the prizes they rightfully earned are given to an organization of crybullies. What groundbreaking discovery that blm have done? Spreading awareness. A keyboard warrior basement dwelling troll could spread awareness of political issues but he is not getting an award. This world has gone insane.

  4. The Nobel prizes are fake today. Doesn't matter anymore, because of the corruption is the system, which is everywhere, particularly in the US of A. I am enjoying the decline. In fact I hope the decline soon hits Max Q. It will suck, but, better to get it going sooner rather than later.

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM
