Friday, January 08, 2021

Western Women: Trading In Love for Communism

You may buy the book here.


  1. They really do not understand that technology and capitalism is what allows them the freedom and life style they enjoy today. If the West falls, does anyone really think that the more attractive ones will not be sold into sexual slavery, much like Russian and Ukrainian women following the collapse of the USSR?

  2. Already bought it; read it yesterday.
    Excellent analysis!

  3. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Many of the Venezuelen women who now have to sell themselves for necessities in Colombia for a pittance voted for Hugo Chavez. Many of these women were so-called professionals. Hopefully no western men will rescue them.-Jack Russell

  4. A Texan4:21 PM

    There is no happy median with most of these women. If they are not leftist loons, then the other extreme is 'Happy Jesus forever and ever' loons. I think church gives some of these women a social outlet whereas protesting for leftist stupidity does to. Not sure which is worse.

    I"m told some flat out that I am not wasting time with church stuff and more of an agnostic anyway.

  5. SM7775:24 PM

    Does anyone remember the series of articles titled, "What Women Want, Who Cares?" by a ghostwriter named Joe Blow?

  6. Re: "Western Women: Trading In Love for Communism"

    Sir, you give them too much credit. They really don't know what they are trading to. Just that it feels right.

  7. I have a female friend who graduated from university in Moscow in 1991. The economic collapse that followed turned the city into the wild west. Prostitutes on every street corner, running shoot outs by rival gangs for turf (police were non-existent), complete state corruption, public services gone, old people murdered for their flats, no food in the grocery stores, farmers being turned away outside of the cities by thugs (because they would not give them a cut), young women disappearing (pimped out), etc...

    The veil of civilization if very thin and after the massive voter fraud and Reichstag fire on the 6th of January, the US is about to find out how thin it all is.

  8. This brought to mind an anecdote I heard from a friend. It would be interesting to look for large scale correlations.
    So a couple decides to adopt an entire family from Ukraine, the dirt poor child of Europe. It seems like it would be the nice thing to do, the family will have access to everything they need from the government/couple.
    But if the government takes away the role of provider, who in the family is left with a purpose?
    The father, naturally.
    Having his role stolen from him, he decided to take his own life.
