Monday, March 21, 2005

Advice to Rush and Others from the Rookie Radio Show Host

Yesterday I was a guest host on a local radio talk show. In preparation for my two hours of fame I had spent the better part of the week preparing topics, questions and what I was going to say about them. However, unlike my veteran talk radio counterparts, I absolutely refused to talk about Terrie Shiavo.

And I still refuse to talk about her.

However, the same cannot be said for the entire talk radio industry, for today I had to endure from 9AM to 6PM non-stop, incessant jabbering about Terrie Shiavo.

Was she being fed?

Was she still alive?

What did the husband do?

Did it go to the courts?

Did it go to congress?

Is she really a vegetable?

Here's the only question I have;


My God, man! Get the hell off the case already!

An entire day of stay-at-home religious right female maniacs who only derive value for their pathetic lives by engaging in these stupid crusades calling into talk radio! Minute by minute updates on whether she was drooling or not. And pointless, mind-numbing speculation about the motives and incentives of all the people involved. It's so bad I've started listening to Air America just because they're covering something different!


The sad thing is that I fundamentally acknowledge this is an important issue to resolve, but the overkill coverage of it has been so drowning that I'm so put off by it that I'm actually cheering for her to have a quick death, regardless of what moral ramifications that has for me, just so we can get back to having decent talk radio!

Perhaps it is on an economic perspective that it doesn't make sense. The amount of time, energy, effort, money, resources, media coverage, protests, etc., etc., that has been expended on this one person is more than what most people will accomplish in their lifetimes. In otherwords if you were to add up all the time people are spending on this, it amounts to the equivalent of a lifetime. If you were to add up all the money and resources spent on this one person, it adds up to more GDP and income that one person could every make. And if you add up all the resources spent on this, it would add up to more resources than she'd ever consume.

So my advice to all the talk show hosts out there,


Your entire listening audience consists of people other than those who read the Enquirer and watch day time soap operas.


  1. It's not a dumbass topic, it's part of a greater picture of the culture of death of our society today, a very poignant example indeed.

    BTW, I thought you did a decent job on your "Next Big Thing" appearance.

  2. No, I know Marty, it has significant ramifications that go beyond, but Jesus Christ, that's all anybody is talking about. How many ways can you dissect this issue? I just want to hear a topic in the news or on talk radio that isn't about Shiavo or Michael Jackson. BTW, thanks for listening in.
