Friday, September 16, 2005

The Force is Strong with this One

Well I must tip my hat.

It takes a lot to impress me with charts, but it seems our punk rockin', business majoring, aspiring Economic Jedi Knight, Cpt. Mike has managed to do just that. And in one swift parry of his light saber has managed to destroy the fallacy that somehow global warming brought Katrina to our southern shores.

But what is particularly impressive is he made his own chart.

See kids, take note. It's one thing just to pilfer a chart from some place (which of course I do when I'm short on time), but to really impress the chicks, you gotta make your own charts.

No doubt Cpt. Mike has several female skippers lusting after him after seeing that chart.


  1. Heh, I pilfered Captain Mike's chart in order to discuss it in class. The students didn't believe it, because they are the product of more than a decade each of public schools. I challenged them to refute the Captain. They tried and failed.

    A good lesson was had by all, and I had to do almost no work. I did give credit, so no copyright issues here.

  2. High school kids I'm assuming?

    What I love is that ever since I was about 20 I noticed that as long as you argue the truth, you can't lose. And just how simple it is to crack the left's lines by pushing them.

    They'll put up a great, heated, emotion-backed fight, but if you pressure them, they collapse.

    Sadly, the 30 somethings today put up no better a fight than their high school counterparts.
