Tuesday, October 25, 2005

For the Birds

OK, short post, two things and then to bed.

1. Why the hell with all the years of evolution and the obvious brains to fly in V-formation are the Canadian geese flying NORTH? It occured to me, particularly this year they're flying north most of the time. Are they hooking up to some jet stream that will inevitably head south? Any fowl experts out there let me know.

2. I'm mightily peeved at the men in the SE metro. I got, not 1, not 2, but 8 EXTRA FREAKING GIRLS in the dance class. 6 of which are married!

OK, look, guys, WTF? You married the girl, can you please sign up for the damn dance class with them to make them happy? I am amazing, but I can't handle 8 extra women at one shot that's why I have to bring my male friends to help me...and dont worry, these younger, stronger and better looking men will be more than happy to look after your wives. But seriously, it's always been an internal debate with me whether or not I would have an affair with a married woman. I cannot see how this would reflect any immorality on my part. Either the guy ain't paying her any attention or the girl is being philanderous. In either case, I can't see how it's my fault, yet that being said I'd just prefer not to get into the mess.

Furthermore, if the institution of marriage meant anything, I'd respect it. Now, it's almost like high school. Get married for two years, ehh, heck, get divorced. I might as well respect that as much as the girl in college you had a boyfriend overseas, wouldn't go out with me, but then managed to bang the guy immediately after I asked her out.

Time for sleep. 80 hours of continual contribution to GDP this week.


  1. Oh, this is no girl in particular, but on several occasions during college and the early 20's there were several girls that had "boyfriends" that lived an impossible distance away. One I remember was in Britain. Another was in New York. A third I think was in South America or Central America somewhere.

    And in each case I'd ask the girl out she'd say "No, I have a boyfriend." Conversation would inevitably tell that her "boyfriend" lived 3,000 miles away and that they saw each other once every 3 months if that.

    Sure enough 2 weeks later they dropped the guy in Peru and are going out with some local.

    Either way, it just furthered my theory that chicks at that age are effed up.

  2. And that's where I'm juggling it. If a girl (or guy) is going to cheat, they're going to cheat. I'm incidental to it. The girl is going to go and bang some guy regardless. I personally would not cheat on my wife, because that reflects my judgement, but if some chick comes up to me and says, "hey, I'm married and my husband won't give me the time of day" it boils down to whether I respect the institution of marriage or not.

    Alas with divorce rates around 60%, why the heck would you treat it any different than Suzi Johnson in the 10th grade dating Bobby Bobson?

    Regardless, I still haven't decided one which would be the right/moral thing to do.

  3. I think if you haven't yet decided which one you feel would be "the right/moral thing to do," it probably means that you would in general find it wrong to sleep with a married woman, but in some circumstances you would do it (i.e. if she were really hitting your buttons). Be honest!

  4. Yes, allow me to clarify things.

    Of course, there's a hot chick and she wants to sleep with me and she's married, well it's not like I DON'T want to sleep with her.

    And it is not an argument of convenience, I truly do wonder if a spouse cheats on their spouse, does the person they had an affair with bare any of the responsibility?

    And frankly I have a hard time seeing how it's anybody else's fault but the spouse.

    That being said, knowing what you're a participant in, that's where I can see the other argument.

    But then countering this argument is how pathetically meaningless marriage has become in the past 30 years. Again, marriage today being the 1940's equivalent of going steady.

    Problem is you can't immediately ascertain whether the marriage is a good marriage or not, but you can almost safely assume it is a bad marriage if the wife is hitting on you.

    Like i said, I don't have the answer, I'm elliciting the opinions of others on this one.
