Sunday, October 02, 2005

It Ain't 1955 No More

Before I am deluged with a torrent of hate mail from women I;

1. Did not write this
2. Do not endorse everything on it
3. Did not underline or circle anything on this, it was sent to me as is.
4. Am displaying this to show the stark differences between today and yesteryear.
5. Am fully aware this may be a photoshop hoax.

All that being said, Men, I'll say it again, I'd gladly go back to 1940 to risk getting maimed or killed in WWII to live the life afterwards.


  1. My favorite part of this poster: "Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him". Well, wives who are a little gay are definitely interesting.

    What an interesting read - "stark differences" may not cover it.

  2. I wouldn't even say it's "ideal."

    Like to have a reasonably sentient being to come home to.
