Saturday, October 29, 2005

Who Could it be Now?

Remember that 80's song?

"Who can it be knocking at my door?
Stay away, don't come round here no more."

Or so the lyrics go.

Alas, 3 teenage girls beheaded in Indonesia.

Now, for 40 points and a chance at the Grand Prize, tell me who are the primary suspects;

a) Black Southern Baptists
b) White Protestants
c) Pakistani and Indian Hindus
d) Small Penis'ed Muslim Freaks

I will promptly remove this post once it is proven not to be "d"


  1. *starting bleeding-heart liberal mode*

    Who has the lightest skin? Damn! It's those bloody White Protestants again! Damn that American Revolution! Without it and all those White Protestants, Europe would have torn itself to pieces, there'd be no US to clean it up and stabilize the world afterward, and Western Civilization would be destroyed and none of these problems would exist amongst all those inherently peaceful non-European peoples! Damn them!

    *shutting down bleeding heart liberal mode*

    You should check this out:

  2. The copyeditor in me cringes over the parallel structure issue there, where each choice is a religious background and a racial/ethnic qualification (though Pakistani and Indian are more nationalist) except d.

    a through c are not statistically likely answers given the ethnic and religious makeup of indonesia.

    If, however, you said

    a. small penis'ed christian freaks
    b. small penis'ed muslim freaks

    that might be a more telling question given what the population is like where the girls were walking. Also, the article indicates the wearing of veils, which might lead you to

    c. non-penis'ed christian freaks
    d. non-penis'ed muslim freaks.

    (I happen to technically fall in the category of d, though depending on argumentativeness I might contest the designation of "freak". It wasn't me though, I'm stuck in CA.)

  3. I picked the racial prefixes to sarcastically highlight the fact that the majority of terrorism does not come from those ethnic groups.

    I included "small penis'ed" to indicate the cowardice of these assaults and "freaks" to indicate just how effed up you have to be to pull something like this. "Muslim" was included because unless you go back to the 1200's, it seems it's only muslims pulling off crap like this.

    But again, once it's proven it's NOT muslims that did this I will gladly take this post down.

  4. How many years you think it will be before we are defending Israel from the invading armies of 1 billion angry muslims? Actually that's redundant. Is there a non-angry muslim?

  5. Honest truth the Israelis have done a pretty good job of defending themselves. Don't know if they'd need our help.

    That being said, young Mariam doesn't sound too angry, and a fair amount of the muslims I know aren't angry. But it's not the nice ones contributing to GDP that I'm worried about.

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