Saturday, January 21, 2006

What's this "We" Schtick?

OK, will somebody please explain to me this "We are pregnant" BS?

It's happen on 3 occasions now that 3 women have gotten knocked up at work and they say, "we are pregnant."

No doubt this is some modern day, feminist, counselor-induced phrase with 1960's and 1970's origins to somehow implicate the guy in pregnancy.

So let me explain it for all you public-school educated morons out there.

"We" are not pregnant.

"YOU" are pregnant. Your husband is not pregnant.

Yes, "he" impregnated "you" far as he knows...but "you" did not impregnate "him", for "he" cannot be impregnated and therefore CANNOT BE PREGNANT!!!

So ladies, do us and yourselves a favor. When you get knocked up, quit it with the sensitive 90's, pansy, sissification, "let's all hold a candle light vigil" BS. You are the one who is pregnant. Not your husband. You leave him out of it.


  1. You know what else I hate? Those bowling ball slings for "pregnant" dads to experience what mom does.

  2. No, you have got to be joking me. No such thing exists, does it????

  3. The breeding ground for this kind of thinking is, of course, your beloved U.S.A.

  4. Anonymous5:27 AM

    How about those women that "accidentally" get pregnant on purpose because their biological clock is ticking or they are trying to trap a guy. Is that a "we" or is that more unilateral "I"?
