Monday, May 01, 2006

You Mean the World is Not Ending????

Wow, I'm still here.

And my Jimmy John's sub was made like it should have been.

And the roads are flowing.

Electricity is still ample.

The banks are open.

Chaos has not ensued.

Guess you immigrants, illegal or legal, really aren't that vital are you?


  1. Actually I ate at Taco Bell and the hispanics that were speaking spanish were there...working. Made me almost proud that they were there.

    Didn't try Chipolte.

  2. Anonymous4:12 PM

    If the local newspapers of record are to be believed (take that as you will), sixteen out of thirty-six local Chipotle establishments closed, to show "solidarity" for the poor, benighted souls who BROKE THE LAW in coming here and working.

    Not that I'm making a point or anything.

    By my College of Liberal Arts mathematics, that's 44% or so of the local artillery-shell sized burrito-makers.
