Monday, July 03, 2006

Good Charts

Communists have invaded the computer industry.

No, I'm serious, they have.

For while in a free market it should normally take, A DAY to get a computer, load up your software and BAMMMM! Be cruising on the internet, it has taken over ONE ENTIRE MONTH (and counting) to get a new computer to replace the Gateway that lasted me 5 years with no problems.

Thus, I conclude, communists, or at least some really hard core East German leftists, have commandeered the computer industry, for who else could produce such spectacular market failure than communists?

So, again, while I'm waiting for Dell and Best Buy and the rest of the communist-soaked computer industry to get their heads out of their asses and provide me a computer, I am once again relegated to posting links and textual posts from the office computer.


Anyway, Deroy Murdock had a good piece with some REALLY SPIFFY CHARTS! And, as you may or may not know, I like charts.

So, click here and get your substitute fix for Cappy Cap.

I apologize for the discontinuous supply of charts, but that's what happens when your supply chain is corrupted by communists.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:19 AM!

    It's a damn good thing I don't have time to keep up a blog, Cap'n, between my writing a book, working for a living, AND supplying you with books on topics ranging from the Roman army to various forms of *ahem* capitalism, because I know what I'd be saying about my FRIEND the Captain, to whom I send links with the charts he so likes in place of those nasty, hard-to-read "books".

