Monday, July 17, 2006

Take the Federal Reserve's Poll on Saving!!!

OK, so the Fed in St. Louis has this poll going on.

And so I click on it, voting that I am an American and save 10% or more each year.

The results come in and I'm actually surprised how many people claimed to be saving as much as they are (I'm also surprise that such a cool hip web site only got 26 respondents).

Then I realized I'm on the St. Louis Federal Reserve's web site and there might be a weeee little bit of sample bias as the majority of the people going to this web site ain't exactly the same people who threw parties when Lil' Kim was released from jail or the morons that actually vote on American Idol.

Why do we economists have to be so responsible?

1 comment:

  1. Because responsible people can't help but become economists.
