Friday, July 28, 2006

A Very Happy 10 Year Anniversary for Welfare Reform

I've always said,

"If you pay people not to work, guess what, they won't."

And it was with much anger and ballyhoo that the left said welfare reform in 1996 would bring about Great Depression levels of poverty and children would die and have to eat each other's feces to survive.

Well, not only has billions of wealth been produced and millions of people's self-esteem been bolstered, welfare cases have gone down.

Now if we could only force the parasites at AARP to follow the same high standards of our poor.


  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Too many Abe Simpson jokes to make.

    I, for one, celebrate with pleasue wlefare reform, and will drink a toast to it tonight, since it marked the end of an all-too-common sight of my teen years; the WIC/AFDC family dropping $150 in "food vouchers" at the grocery store where I worked as a lad, then having me, as a "courtesy clerk", truck their *finger quotes* "purchases" out to their new Lincoln.

    Not that I am bitter.

