Friday, December 08, 2006

Dog is Co-Pilot

I figure I need a dog. Because dogs get excited no matter where you go. As a teenager I would take our dog, Pretzel, get him all riled by shaking the car keys, and in a Pavlovian conditioned response he’d immediately run out to the car, hop in the passenger seat, tail wagging furiously.

Didn’t even start the car.

Didn’t drive nowhere.

Just sat there for a couple minutes.

Sure enough I’d hop out and Pretzel would get out all excited as if we had driven to the moon and back.

Dogs are like that.

So why not in my economic exploits, searching the peaks and valleys of the bevy of databases out there, have a trusty and loyal co-pilot next to me, assisting me in my research who is just as excited as I am to go to the FRED database?. A side kick of sorts I fathom. And what better more American and capitalist side kick is there than a dog?

Alas, it would have been pretty cool to have a companion that was ecstatic as I when I happened upon these figures at the OFHEO.

Anyway, remember to tune in tomorrow to The Economics Supper Club.

Every Saturday from 1-3PM central standard.

Join us and call in; 651-646-8255

And for long distance folk 1-877-615-1500

Also, listen online

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