Thursday, December 07, 2006

If We Adjusted for "Fluff"

Interesting chart from the OECD. Shows the percent of the "adult" population with a college degree.

Although I would pay good money to see it if we deducted those getting degrees in fluff such as "communications" and "philosophy."

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget the entirety of the (Insert Your Victim Status Here)-Studies Departments, known as hotbeds of academic debate and free exchange of ideas (HEAVY SARCASM).

    Speaking thereof, I give you the latest in such, coming to a U of M campus near you: Finally, the Ag School has some competition!

    Post-script: I know it may depend on just when you click on that link, but I had to laugh at the fact that on the sidebar was an ad for Ralph Lauren with an slim supermodel just opposite the featured photo. The irony is complete.
