Saturday, April 07, 2007

Captain Capitalism's Annual Chart Contest - Entrant #3

The Bad sent in this one. And he had doubt I was going to publish it! Such lack of faith in the Captain.
That being said, what, are you people trying to do to me???? I need context with these charts!!!
I surmise this is the potential real identity of the Captain? And why is it Bruce Wayne and Captain Capitalism have neve been photographed in the same picture?
Enter your chart by e-mailing it to (that's CAPTcapitalism, not and you too can win $15 and a signed photo of the Captain with his harem of Capitalism Cuties!


  1. I cannot help but notice that those who think of you as a "John Edwards look-alike" and those who believe you to be a "mean Republican", when added together, significantly outnumber your image as an "Evil Cary Grant".

    You may have an image problem here, especially when you add in the small yet potentially damaging revelation of your hitherto closted love for George Michael music.

  2. No lack of faith intended, sir. By the way, thanks for sending me the autographed Wham! album. Rare to find on vinyl these days.
