Wednesday, April 04, 2007

"Gee Frank, I Have No Freaking Clue Why Ireland is Kicking So Much Ass"

Will somebody on the left, please, PLEASE explain to me how you rationalize Ireland?

Really I need the joke. I need a good laugh. Tell me how Ireland lowering its taxes has not helped the country tranform itself from the armpit of Europe to the underdog rival to Luxembourg. How it has not brought its people out of French levels of poverty.

Any takers?


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Do you know where the US fits in on this chart?


  2. Hey Junam,

    The US has a 40% corporate tax rate, which (barring Japan) makes it the highest in the developed world. I don't know why they didn't put it on there though.

  3. Anonymous6:13 AM

    I don;t have a chart for ya but this article goes right along with this entry.,Authorised=false.html? It is from the Financial Times and states that for the first time since World War I -not II- the vaule of all european stocks has grown lager than the value of all US stocks!!!!!!! This should scare the pants off of anyone who reads it, but sadly we don't have enough room in the mainstream media ofter the american idol results.

  4. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Ireland lowering its corp. income taxes has NOT benefited the country because you still have to kiss that darned Blarney Stone when you go there...the stone where countless lips have kissed before...that's just gross. It would be real progress if you could just blow the kiss or merely salute the Blarney Stone instead.

  5. Don't you know, Captain? Ireland offered almost free university tuition! It was an educated work force that did it!

  6. Anon - Ouch man! What would be Ireland without the Blarney stone???? You have to let go of the hatred for the Blarney stone.

    Dave - Hey, where've you been? I hope your studies are still going well.

  7. Anonymous8:26 AM

    "Ireland offered almost free university tuition!"

    And France hasn't, along with most of the rest of Europe? If you want to explain the different outcomes, you need to find something [i]different[/i] between the countries you're comparing. Things like, say, government spending as a percentage of GDP, the corporate tax rate, or the presence of dirty Frenchmen.

  8. This is Ireland*s ticket, but I*m afraid to post it over there. They will likely run with it and become a world leader.

    Switzerland and California are leading at the moment.

    Be sure to see or rent **Who Killed the Electric Car**. Provided you are not a Liberal with brain-freeze, it could lead you to a fortune.

    The following could improve your life and lungs, clear cities of smog, and defeat Acmahdinejad.

    Three facts - The EV wave has started

    [1] General Motors were shocked that their trial electric car of 1993, the EV1, was a wild and addictive public success. Indicating the death of the ICE engine. So much so, that they gathered every last EV1 and crushed them in a secure GM compound. [Rent the video, *Who Killed the Electric Car*.]

    [2] Chevron / absorbed Texaco and gained control of patents for the large format NiMH battery. The ideal BATTERY FOR AUTO-MOTION. For nay, they have no wish to keep us dependent upon products of their 8 to 12 Billion$ refineries and their giant distribution networks.

    [3] Suspect ye not the governments, who, [at the moment], have no idea how to bring in tractor trailer loads of money on the 8 to 16 cents of charge required by EVs that can plug in anywhere anytime.

    The Electric Vehicle wave has started and is well under way. The range of the GM *93 EV-1 was 130 miles. Today, a range of 250 miles between charges is reasonable, however smaller NEVs [neighbourhood electric vehicles], of a 40 mile range are popular and sell for only 12 to 14k.

    Freedom from the grip of volatile gas, [remember the *70s empty gas pumps?], makes the EV a life-saver that pays for itself. A solar panel roof can provide an extended range. = TG

    Job losses galore. Government revenue losses galore, but just breath in that fresh air and watch Acmahdinejad wilt on the vine.
