Saturday, April 28, 2007

Time for a Recession

Sorry folks, a friendly neighborhood blogger pointed out to me that the chart I had here was in fact copyrighted, my apologies, but I had to take it down. Regardless you can find the chart here

I think I'm going to switch from "minimal economic growth" to a "moderate recession" forecast.

Though I also expect oil prices to drop or at least not increase as much as last year's summer for the US' economy will slow down.


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I have a question although I find your chart on the housing market compelling. I do believe there is a wild card and that being the falling US dollar. With the EURO at 1.3625 and the Chinese sitting on 2 Trillion US $ that money could concievably find its why back to the US in search of cheap US assets thereby supporting the US economy to a state of moderate growth.

    Mr Capitalism Sir forgive me for not having a chart.

  2. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Dear Captain Capitalism I wish to apologize or at least clarify and the last line of my post.

    What it reads like when I re-read it, is a very condescending remark. I in no way wished to convey that. The information you provide free is remarkable and I for one lurk your site on a frequent basis because much information can be gleaned from the charts and being a Technical Analyst charts are my life charts being the map to the fabric of life.

    I was trying to be funny I think I will stick with what I do best regards

    Jeff Cosford.
