Friday, April 13, 2007

What's Wrong with This Picture - 2

OK aspiring and junior deputy economists, time for your favorite game once again;


Yes, the game where the media shows you how naive they are by completely ignoring the obvious problem to today's societal ills!


  1. Well, we could go with the obvious teenager-with-a-baby angle. However, and maybe we're just over-analyzing here, but we think that with the girl having been "in a panic state" after suddenly giving birth "on the floor of [her] laundry room ... around 3 a.m.", that the real problem is that the girl didn't realize she was pregnant. This is corroborated by the fact that she was startled after "seeing the baby's finger move," thus heightening her suspicion that the baby was not in fact one of her toys. Also (beyond where Cappy cropped the story), despite being pregnant, the girl was apparently still menstruating, and with such gale force that astronaut pants were required.

    Furthermore, the story goes on to explain that the girl's mother (no mention of a father, of course) also didn't know she was pregnant, but just thought she was getting fat (and apparently we have to accept that as normal, too).

    Strangely, though, at least one anonymous customer of the grocery store the girl worked at knew she was pregnant. Possibly this guy:

    "Johnson said Beecroft has told police the name of the person she believes is the father." (emphasis added)

    Also, if the (no doubt public) school had been doing its job, she wouldn't have disposed of the body in public, much less in public view on her own family's (okay, probably the city's) property.

  2. Anonymous9:42 PM

    She's 17 and had a baby. That's a problem. No mention is made of her parents being around or knowing about this despite giving birth on the floor of their laundry room, which is a problem. She admitted to stabbing a baby 135 times and wasn't shot dead on the spot by the fastest person to draw a firearm, which is a problem.

    Where do we even start with this?

  3. I'll go with "where are the 17 year old's parents?"

  4. Of course, not that you're cynical Artie. ;)

  5. Of course not that you're cynical Ryan!

  6. "We don't know what motivated her" was the worst thing I saw.
