Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Shooting Themselves in the Foot

Look, I loathe democrats. Really I do. But when you see an underdog like Obama and somebody who really does represent change (what change that is I don't know, but it really is better than another 20 year bout of Clintonbushbushclinton) it's hard not to cheer for him. Plus having Hilary the opposite ticket makes it really easy to cheer for him. Regardless, can the foot soldiers of the democrat party take the time to muster an independent thought and vote for the right candidate?

So I will say it again, even though it is against my personal interests to say so.

If the democrats want to lose the presidential election (you know, the one that counts) nominate Hilary. She is unelectable. And I internally fight within myself to temper my desire to see Obama nominated even though it would result in the defeat of the Republican party, with my machiavellian ulterior motive to see Hilary win for it would guarantee a Republican victory.

That being said, at minimum, AT MINIMUM this contested race shows Hilary and the archiac 60's power structure behind her is waining and the day will come that the mantle will be passed.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The only change Obama is after is the change in your pocket (not to mention the bills in your wallet)

    Obama is a stronger candidate than Hillary. Only problem is McCain loses to either of them.

    Most people prefer the status quo and will vote that way.

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM


    I've got to be more Machiavellian than you. I've been saying for a while that Obama personally is a very classy guy. He's a gentleman in an era sorely lacking in such. But on policy he's as wrong as ever. America needs to elect a Republican. Any Republican. A lot of righties call McCain a RINO, but I'll still take him over any Democrat. So we're back to the one question. How do the Republicans win the general election? First, if Obama wins the nomination the GOP is in poop up to its neck. So Billary is important from that angle. Then, who on the Republican side can win? Who has the charisma to win this? I had some hopes for Fred Thompson, but those hopes have been utterly crushed. Giuliani? McCain? Captain, help. What do we do?

  3. Anonymous9:57 AM

    With a recession on the way, I'm surprised that you still think that a Republican can win the election. I thought there was a theory from some professor that people vote according to the state of the economy, i.e. they will throw the Republicans out of office if it's recession time (even if it's not their fault).

  4. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Huckabee and the FairTax man!

  5. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I can't fathom how anyone could vote for Obama, he is a socialist. I'd prefer another four years of Bush easily.

  6. You don't appear to be suggesting that we don't have a stronger candidate than McCain.

    Hah! I get to say "we."

  7. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Obama scares me more than Hildabeast. He is the antiReagan. He has strong charisma and will likely unite Democrats and bring more sheeple into their fold. He could do for the liberal movement what Reagan did for the conservative movement. The media will fawn over him and cover for his mistakes. He could reap damage on this Republic unseen since FDR. While Hillary is evil enough to possess a demon, she isn't capable of causing nearly as much damage as Obama. Obama stands to the left of Hillary because Obama fights for the left while Hillary fights for the Clintons and thus adjusts her policies with the prevailing winds (also known as polling data). She would galvanize the conservative movement and likely cause a fissure in the democratic party. The long term results would almost make 4 years of hell worth while.

  8. Don't get me wrong. I don't want Obama to win the presidency. He is a socialist. I just enjoy seeing Hilary lose.

  9. Anonymous10:06 PM

    AeroGuy.... you NAILED IT! Obama scares the #$%& out of me! He is the best i have ever seen at what he does. Joseph Goebbels could not hold a candle to Obama.
