Monday, June 23, 2008

And If He's Wrong...

Then I want him to pay with his career.


  1. from the article

    He said Earth's atmosphere can only stay this loaded with man-made carbon dioxide for a couple more decades without changes such as mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.

    Amazing! Scientists can now distinguish man-made carbon dioxide from that produced by cows, volcanoes and the ocean!

  2. and lose the spokesperson for the Environutjobs? ..

    OwlGore passed of "inconsistencies" as truth, I didn't see any body taking is "Piece" Medal back!

    This guy ain't gonna lose his job.. It will be another conspiracy by the big oil companies and Bushco..

    Man made Global Warming is the perfect lie..

    If it turn out to be true, they will say "I told you so".. If nothing happens, it is because of all they work they did..

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Wrong? The man's an idiot.

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    It's not that far away that they will start kangaroo court trials against all those who do not follow 'the way'. Oh wait they are doing that!

    Put Oil Chiefs on Trial

    I found this on another blog and thought it pertinent to this conversation.

    Hat Tip to Mark Shea

  5. IF? Will you kindly read up on this subject, fercryinoutloud? Sheesh, do I have to do ALL your thinking for you outside of economics?

  6. Anonymous1:24 PM

    wasn't this guy on about planetary cooling in the 70's?

  7. Anonymous2:34 PM

    You know, personally, I don't really mind if global warming exists or not (though I still think it's BS), what I am against is this urge to use the "threat" of global warming to increase the power of the State over our lives.

    I don't mind people who say, "Global warming is happening, and will cause some problems, so we should focus on economic advancement and technology creation and give incentives to businesses, keep taxes low, develop ways to help society handle it..." but NOPE, we need a super-huge government to "save" us.

    If it is happening, well fine, we can work to improve technology, this stuff we do anyhow, and increase economic growth.

    But these scientists are living in a fantasyland if they think we will go the route of stopping economic growth. China and India both have said they will not do anything about carbon emissions if it will hurt their own economies. They are going to "Americanize" themselves and keep pumping massive amounts of carbon whether these scientists like it or not.

    Even if America stopped all carbon emissions, it wouldn't do a damn thing. So the focus should be on developing ways to deal with any potential problems from global warming.

    And doing things like taxing SUVs (which barely put out any CO2) and trying to stop America's economic growth is pointless. Nothing America does about its CO2 production matters without China and India on-board, so these environmental whackos are, well, whacko!

    And all of the peer-reviewed economic analysis have shown that CO2 emissions should AT MOST be reduced only marginally, unless society wants to incur huge costs in standard-of-living.

  8. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I think he's hoping to get fired so he can write another deranged book against the Bush administration that can be pumped up by the left wing media to denigrate those who don't think GW is man made.

    If not, he'll keep sounding the false alarm and make zillions doing that with his connections to George Soros.

    Either way he wins.
