Friday, June 06, 2008

Hey, Do You Want to Get Depressed?

Here's something to forward to all your friends to put them in a bad mood. How much of GDP we can expect to drop on social security and medicare in the coming years.

You see, social security is thought to be the one that will break the financial back of the US, but it is medicare that will bankrupt the nation. Going from just 3% of GDP today, it will grow to 11% by 2080. Social security will only grow to 6% GDP. We'll be spending nearly 17% of our incomes on keeping people alive for another 2-3 years. Of course this will be my generation, but the truth is I don't want to impoverish some poor working kid by foisting a 17% tax burden on them. Pull the plugs, I don't need viagra (or its 2080 equivalent) and I sure am hell not going to insist younger generations keep me alive a paltry extra 6 months if it costs them $1 million in medical bills to do so.


  1. How altruistic of you . . .

  2. Anonymous4:58 AM

    There is nothing wrong with paying $1 million for an extra 6 months of your precious life, if YOU pay the bill.

    This chart is probably based on the assumption that medical expenses will grow at the same staggering rate as in the last 20 years. But as far as I know, in the last 5 years the growth rate has started to slow down.

    Nevertheless, I just don't understand why some elderly people (who have mostly amassed a whole lot of wealth in their life) cannot pay for their own medical treatment. However, nothing will change because there are now so many pensioners that no politican can afford to oppose them.

  3. Anonymous5:21 AM

    "I don't need viagra.."

    Captain, I have always viewed you as a wise man for such a young man, with wisdom and insight well beyond your years. However your remark,"I don't need Viagra," should be rephrased to, "I don't need Viagra now." Unless you plan to go out in a blaze of capitalistic glory while you are still young & manly I humbly suggest if you reach my age you will thank the greedy bastards that gave old men, like me, the best recreational drug ever: Viagra.

  4. OK, OK, I will PAY FOR MY OWN VIAGRA when I am older and not rely on the younger generation to pay for it.

    Plus, when you get older, if you outlive your male contemporaries, you basically get to rule the roost. My grandpa was the freaking MAC DADDY at his assisted living complex before he died. CRIPES! There were women cooking for him and all doting over him.

  5. Hey Dtrum,

    I don't know, one of the most consistent predictions that I've made that comes true is that the government always underestimates costs. I would be surprised if these figures are that low.

  6. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hey Captain, of course you'll buy your own Viagra. It'll be generic by then, and cheap.

    The problem is having the government pick up the tab for the new drugs. One can only wonder what new drugs the government will want to buy you and I when we reach that age.

  7. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Why should the public pay for anyone's health care?? Let the elders pay for their own damn health problems, and I'll do the same when I'm old and useless!! If I can't then too bad, I go away. For Christsakes, does anyone take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences anymore in this damn country??!! Nothing but Pussies out there cry for help...piss on them!!!!
